Sweet 18th?

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My day started off normal.

I wish I could say I had a "strange" feeling in my stomach or had a dream the night before to pre-empt what would happen. I didn't, and alas I have no mystic powers that I know of yet.

I'd expected my parents to come into my rooms to wish me a happy birthday with my mom's eyes filling up as her "only baby was growing up so fast" and an awkward head ruffle from my dad who muttered something about being a "woman now".

I knew my friends would be waiting for me at school with various presents and hugs.

I dreaded my maths test and especially the weird grimace on my teachers face when my best friend begged him to let us off as it was my birthday. "This algebra test is the best gift Elizabeth," he tried to joke with me.

I didn't laugh. Stupid bald maths man.

What I didn't expect were the flowers that had me called out of said maths test to the main office. My cheeks flared red as I shot out of my seat and into the hall.

Someone had sent me a beautiful bouquet of tulips. My heart had pounded for a moment thinking it was a secret-admirer until I realised it was arranged by my grandmother. I was cheered up all the same.

By the time lunch came around I was hungry for cake. My best friend Sophie bought me a little carrot cake that I demolished in under a minute. I'm pretty sure I hadn't actually spoken to anyone until I had a carrot cake food baby well and truly nestled in my stomach.

"Jesus Christ Lizzie I feel sorry for that cake." My other best friend Steve gagged. "I wanted some dude."

I smiled sweetly at him fluttering my non-existent eyelashes. "Too bad bitch boy, it's not your birthday."

Sophie ignored this and clapped her hands excitedly. "Well? What is it this year?"

Steve groaned sinking on the bench,"yes Lizzie what's the big surprise this year I'm so excited omg," he mimicked in a high-pitched voice.

Sophie slapped him as I snickered. "I'm going blonde baby!" I announced and showed her a picture on my phone of the bleach-blonde hair I wanted.

Every year for my birthday, my present to myself was always something drastic to change my appearance. It highlighted the difference of a changing age instead of just another day passing.  Last year I got my nose pierced.

"Oh wow I love it! That's going to look amazing on you!" she smiled brightly at me.

Bless her, she could be excitable about anything really.

"Aw thank you, I'm going to the hair salon after school" I flipped my hair jokingly.

"Ooh blonde, how did you know they were my type," Steve wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and I burst out laughing because he didn't realise that he looked like he had a tick rather than being seductive.

"Stevie, if you were the last man on Earth I would die a virgin happily."

"Oh I'm wounded," he clutched his chest dramatically falling onto Sophie, "hold me Soph - the pain - I fear it's just too much."

She pushed him off her violently and made a disgusted noise. I glanced around at the other students, all enjoying the spring sun and eating. Everyone had their groups and I was happy with mine.

"You guys should come with me," I said whilst crunching on an apple, "it could be fun and you can treat me to an iced mocha to celebrate my blondness."

Sophie covered my mouth with her hand, repulsed that I'd dare speak in front of her with my mouth open. "Ok first of all ew, second of all I can't, I have way too much homework and study." Ah the joys of being best friends with a future Ivy League student.

"Lame." I pouted at her as she shook her head solemnly. "And you, mi amigo?" I put my arm around Steve.

"No can do Lizzie, Mom wants me to cover her at the shop tonight, but you can always come around later tonight when no ones around," he purred.

This time I was the one gagging. "Gross and double gross that you have an entire book shop to yourself and all you're thinking about is boning."

"Welcome to the mind of your everyday male supermodel."

"Speaking of supermodel," Sophie's eyes were transfixed on someone, "who is he?"

We all turned to look at who she was referring to.

That's when I first saw him.

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