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      "I thought you guys were dating when we first started texting

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      "I thought you guys were dating when we first started texting." I was on the phone with Millie, it was an extremely early morning and I was on the phone with Millie while Finn was making him and I a bowl of cereal.

       "Everyone thought that, my mom was planning my wedding." I laughed.

       "Ava!" She screamed in my ear, "I'm sorry, Rand, I gotta go." She quickly hung up. I chuckled and placed my phone on my nightstand. My mother was currently out exploring the streets of Canada, she left me ere evacuees that's just what she does. She somehow called Finn and asked him to stay with me because I've never been home alone before. My mother does everything on impulse and just up and left, sometimes it worried me.

"I've never seen you drink coffee before, when did you start this?" Finn asked me as he sat my cup of coffee on my nightstand as well. I shrugged as he cane to sit next to me.

"I don't drink coffee often, but sometimes on mornings like this it ant so bad." I said as I leaned into his side.

       "So," He started, looking at me, "you've never been left at home by yourself?" He was skeptical, I mean it seemed unreasonable as to why a 15 year old girl couldn't be left at home by herself.

      "Never a day in my life, there was always someone there with me." I said shrugging and leaning my head on his shoulder.

       "How come?" He asked me, it made my heart hurt but I wouldn't let him know that. I wouldn't tell him the reason I could hardly keep up with the year or time of day.

"My nana used to stay home with me cause her legs were bad, so I was the one to take care of her since I was too young," I answered shrugging he went to open his mouth but I cut him off, "don't say your sorry, I am fine." He furrowed his brows and nodded.

I grabbed his hand in mine and held it, "you know, it's just me, Randi." I nodded, I understood completely but these things weren't easy to let up.

"I know, but I'm just not the type of person to share my feelings, they don't matter." I shrugged and got up, I pushed my tears down my throat and tried to not think about any of it, I walked into the kitchen and sat at my kitchen table. I stared at the plain counter for what felt like forever.

Well, that was until Finn came downstairs and placed a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him and. He placed my coffee in front of me. He rubbed my back as I sipped on the warm beverage, I'm gonna need a glass of water and a toothbrush after this.

"Tell me," He said suddenly which startled me, "about your band, do yo like it?"

"It's highshool band, I wouldn't want to go to college for but I've met some of my favorite people which traveling for the band," I smiled at a memory, "band camp is the worst since I'm up on my podium and I'm standing still and everyone else is marching so we're all tired and we march to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Tan lines suck and I almost died when I went into shock, plus my diabetes was not loving the heat exhaustion and lack of food." I explained while laughing, Finn smiled but still asked.

"If it sounds so awful why are you laughing?" He looked at me confusedly.

"Even though it wasn't the best and in the winter there's nothing but nosebleeds, pneumonia, and hypothermia; we had fun memories there. It was one of my favorite pains." I said to him, taking another drink of my coffee.

      "Maybe I'll watch you play one of these days?" He asked, I shook my head at the thought. There would be no way that I let Finn, or anyone I've met during my time away from home, see me at home.

       "Maybe." Why did I lie to him? He never deserved it, but maybe it was okay to let him think that. Usually things in my life don't last very long.

      "C'mon," He said standing up, "I wanted to show you this thing I found." He said leading me back to my room. That's where we stayed for awhile, now it was getting late, very late.

       It was now 10:36 pm and Finn was still here therefore my mother was not. Sometimes I wondered if it would even matter if I were me, like would my mom have a better life if she had a different daughter. Sometimes I feel bad for thinking this way,I also wondered if there was something wrong with me. I also feel bad if there was something wrong with me because then people would worry.

       "You should call your mom." I said to him as I bounced up and down a bit from where I sat on my bed. I hadn't finished my coffee from this morning, it was on the kitchen counter.

       "Why?" He asked as I turned my phone on, he turned my screen towards him as he sat with me and looked at the time, 10:40 pm.

     "It's late, you should be getting home." I told him, pulling at a curl that resides in my puff.

      "And leave you here by yourself?" He asked and I nodded, "that's dumb, I'll wait until your mom comes home." He said leaning back on my bed, stretching out his legs.

       "It's almost 11 o'clock, you should call her, Finn." I said reaching for his phone. He pulled it away and tossed it into my rug that rested on the floor.

      "Says the person with the midnight curfew," he said pushing me back, " you'll be bored and paranoid if I leave."

      I pouted and crossed my arms, " I'm not a baby, Finn, I can take care of myself." He chuckled and squeezed my cheeks gently before standing up and walking to my side of the bed.

       "You're not a baby but you're my baby." he kissed my cheek and then left my room.

      I followed him to see that he was laying out blankets from the back of the couch. He looked at me with a smile then went back to what ever the hell he was doing.

       "No," I said walking over and grabbing the blanket which started a game of tug-o-war, " You're not making a place to sleep."

      "Yes I am, let go." I smirked and let go, making him fall harshly to the ground. I then went to the other couch and placed a pillow where his head would be.

         He looked at me confusedly, "weren't you just trying to argue about me sleeping here?" He asked as he got up and stood in front of me. I nodded and grabbed his hands, well, more like his fingers.

      "I'm very indecisive," I shrugged, " but I have one condition." I offered, He quirked a brow and crouched down in front of me.

      "You gotta get one more sleep when you go home, even if that meant not seeing me for the day." I said, his lips became pouty and he shook his head.

      "I'll be fine, it's just one night, Rand." He tried to objectify but I shushed him.

       Finn was the type of person anyone would love, the thing with me is that I've just gotten used to that and I don't think I could handle him leaving for shooting. I wish I could tell him 'change city's' or .ask him ' can I be your stowaway'? But I didn't and I wasn't because that's stupid and wrong and selfish.

      "You can say the night," or forever, "but you have to try to get a good night's sleep..." sleep has always helped make it seem like time's freezing or just frozen all together. Maybe that's why every time there's a sci-fi movie where people have jumped forward naturally they've been frozen in cryogenic sleep.

       "Okay, I could do that..." he smiled and it was this time where I thought about kissing him.

      "Okay....." but I didn't, why didn't I kiss him? Why would I kiss him, we've been dating for 2 weeks?

Finished: Friday, January 19, 2018. 11:09 pm

Published: Friday, January 19, 2018. 11:10 pm

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