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       "Hey," I said softly to the boy, "how are you?" You've spoken with him a million times before, Randi, don't be so thick in the head

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       "Hey," I said softly to the boy, "how are you?" You've spoken with him a million times before, Randi, don't be so thick in the head.

        "Good, tired," he answered, "what about you?"

         "I haven't been to school in like eight days because our teachers went on strike, though they can't call it that so it's a 'work stoppage'." I said, air quotes and everything.

        "How do you feel about it?" I shrugged, I wanted to bring up what I've said, I mean he said it back, should we talk about it?

        "It's given me time to think and draw, I fixed my broken sketchbook," I shrugged and sighed as he started to talk, "do you love me?" I covered my mouth with my hands at the question. I am ridiculous, really thick in the head, what's wrong with me?

        He furrowed his brows before chuckling, "yeah..." I kept my hands over my mouth, more to hide the smile that was upon my lips, "and you said you loved me?"

        I put my hands down and began playing with my fingers, picking at some discarded salt that was left on my kitchen table as well. I scoffed and shook my head, I nodded before I even responded, "...yeah." Love isn't always hectic, it can be calm, sweet, awkward even.

         "I didn't know if you meant it when you said it at first but I couldn't not say it back," he said, a smiling mess, "why would I not?"

         "I dunno, maybe you secretly hated me?" I suggested, "the world is a crazy place, Finn Wolfhard." I shrugged.

        "Yeah, oh I listened to your song, it was great." I've been recording these silly little songs on my phone and sending them to Finn since he likes them so much.

        "I was busy, so I wrote a song about it, maybe I shouldn't have procrastinated so much, but I'm better at procrastinating than Spanish." I said, shrugging my shoulders and pushing my hair over my shoulder. I straightened my hair, gave myself a really nice silk press because I deserved it.

        "Why did someone ask me if we broke up and then ask me if you and Caleb were a thing?" He asked me like the question suddenly came to his mind, it probably did.

         "Yo, someone asked me the same thing, they were like 'are you still dating Finn?' I said 'well, yeah' cause we are. Then the exact same person was all 'I thought you were dating Caleb' and I said 'well, nah' cause we aren't." I found it amusing because I didn't think all of the things our supporters and fans said was hate I thought they were genuine questions and they never really bothered me. Things are only dramatic if you take it that way.

        "Oh," He said before stopping to laugh, "I saw this edit and it was me and you on one side then like a split screen and then Sadie and Caleb," he paused once more to laugh a bit, making me smile in anticipation, "an it said 'why does it look like Finn's dating Caleb's little sister so Caleb got back at him and dated his little sister'?" I laughed at the thought, yeah, I guess it kind of did.

    "That's so funny, people keep saying me and Caleb look like siblings I'm like 'cause we black', but yeah he is like the brother I wish I had," I shrugged, Caleb pestered me like a brother too, "Nick Wolfhard and I officially have an argument to settle. I'm about to bust him."

       "Why, what did you guys do?" I liked these easy conversations, they made me feel like he was here.

        "I don't want to get into it, cause I told the story to my mom and hurt myself while doing so. Like, I hit my hip hard off of this counter and was about to fight it." He wheezed, which brought another story to mind.

         "Stop, cause I was laughing just today with Evan and Serena and I was like 'wow, that sounds like my boyfriend's laugh, but maybe I'm trippin' I wasn't!trippin, I really laughed like you." I think he just enjoys laughing at me sometimes.

        "You say it like it's my fault?" I dropped my jaw at him, which was kind of hard since he kept making me smile and laugh.

       "I don't know if it's because I'm always hearing it or if it's because I miss you, honestly it's probably both." I was thinking really had about this, I was also in his face a lot, like when we're together I'm up under him a lot. He's never seemed to mind, he'd say something, yeah?

"We're becoming the same person," he said and then chuckled at a thought, "I laughed just yesterday and I snorted, then I remember the time you did over the phone."

"We are the same person, I'm starting to dress a lot like you and everything, like my socks are beyond noticeable." I rolled my eyes at the thought and then looked at the time we've been talking, twenty minutes.

"Oh, haha," I started as a thought came to mind, "my mom and I were in the car and talking about you and Stranger Things and everyone. So, I showed her the kiss in our Gabe's parking lot, then I showed her the one from season one—"

"Why would you do that," he interrupted me, "What did she say, what did you do?" I laughed at how embarrassed he was. It's not like anyone was hurt.

"She started laughing at you, she said 'Look at Finn, he thinks he's a pimp, he think he gets all the girls' and I told her, 'no, it's not even like that, mom' she said 'yes, it is, look at his face, he think he's an actual pimp' and so she changed your contact name in her phone twice an I had to fix it both times." I was in a laughing fit by the end of the story. Finn was absolutely red, like, watermelon red.

"Oh my god, you're the worst," he said shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, "what were the contact names?"

"I think one was like, uh, Finn the Pimp and the other was Mack Daddy Wolfhard, She's an idiot, my mom does dumb things."

"I hate you."

"You 'Love me', isn't that what you said?" I made kissy faces at the camera and I could see the little notification pop up at the bottom of the screen— a photo has been captured.

"Yeah, that is what I said," he said, "Hey, don't you have a younger brother?" He asked out of the blue. I'm surprised he even remembered I told him that.

"Yeah, why?" I asked as I took a drink of water, I'm dehydrated all the time.

"I just saw this thing for Thomas the Train and I remembered you told me that was his favorite toy." I smiled at his like a dork. He's sweet, he honestly is.

"Ugh, you're an idiot," I said as Serena walked through my front door and threw me a peace sign which I returned, "here, talk to Serena while I use the bathroom." She looked at me confused since she didn't know what I volunteered me for until she sat in my spot.

After I finished in the bathroom I could hear incoherent speech coming from the kitchen. Which is weird since my whole family is louder than a pep rally. Anyways, my cousin smiled at me and moved out of my spot so I could look at my boyfriend's face some more.

"Hey, Randi, I have to go," he spoke which made me visibly sadder, "but, I love you." I smiled at the phrase I still wasn't used to, I chuckled a bit and tried to suppress my smile with failure.

"You're an idiot, Finn Wolfhard," he smiled at the phrase, I call him an idiot all the time, I don't know why this made him so happy, "but I love you too." His smile became visibly bigger if that was possible and he chuckled a bit before we said our goodbyes and hung up.

"What did you guys talk about?" I asked, she shrugged and got up, walking towards my front door. I ran to the back and told my grandma I was leaving before walking out the door with her.

I wonder what goes on in that boy's head?

Finished: Saturday, March 3, 2018. 4:34 pm.

Published: Saturday, March 3, 2018. 4:35 pm.

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