Spring Day [TWICE Chaeyoung+SVT Dino]

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At Malaysia...

Chaeyoung drops her bag on the floor and sit in front of her laptop. She just got back from her college. She opens the laptop and turn it on.

"Erghh stupid laptop !" she mumbles because the laptop is taking too much time to turn on.

She walks to the fridge to grab some chocolate that her roommate, Dahyun left for her. She is lucky to have a Korean roommate in Malaysia.

As she wants to go to her laptop back, the laptop have turned on. She excitedly runs to her laptop and play some videos from it. It's her way to release her tension.

"Eh ? What video is this ? I've never seen this video before..." she asks herself and open the video.

The video played and it's show Chaeyoung who is sleeping with her mouth open. There is a voice giggling behind the camera. The camera goes straight to her and whisper something.

"Okay guys,this is my baby cutie smol cub, Son Chaeyoung. Her height is 159cm lol yeah she is smol HAHAHA ! She's sleeping right now and I just want to say that I'll always love her and I'll never leave this cub because she is fierce ! Okay, that's all anyeong !"

And the video finished. Chaeyoung's tears begin to fall when she suddenly recognize the owner of the voice. She closes her laptop and look at a frame beside her laptop.

"I miss you, Chan-ie.When I say that, I miss you more... I'm looking at your photo now but I still miss you." she mumbles while hugging the frame.

Time is so cruel for her.

Meanwhile at Canada....

"I miss you cub..." Dino mumbles while staring at Chaeyoung's pictures.

"Chan-ie~ What're you looking at ?" asks Joshua who just entered the room.

"A masterpiece." he said and put the pic behind his phone.

"You know ? People usually put their idol's photo behind their phone but why do you choose her pic ? Who is she ?" Joshua asks while combing his hair.

"Just someone special." Dino replies and grin widely at Joshua.

"I know that will be your answer." Joshua sighs.

Dino walks to the window and look at the snow. He sighs.

"How much snow have to fall for the spring days come ?" Dino thoughts.

Why spring days ? Because he will finish his studies here, at Canada at the end of the year and he'll go back to his hometown, Korea on spring.

"I'm jealous with the flying snow." he said which makes Joshua shock.

"Why ?"

"If I am the flying snow, I could reach her faster."

"Is she that special ? Omg just tell me who is that girl !!!!!" Joshua whined because Dino have been keeping it as a secret since the first day they met.

"Very special. I'll tell you later. I've a class now ! Goodbye, hyung !" Dino shouts and takes his bag before he runs out from the room.

"That kid..." Joshua sigh.


Dino's POV
I sit on the bench alone. I lied to Joshua that I've a class. I just want to relax my mind. I look at a name with the phone number on my phone screen.


"Should I call her ? What if she decline it ? Would she accept me back after what've I done to her ?" I ask myself.

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