Prisoner 317

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"prisoner 317 against the wall"

"What? I'm not eighteen yet" I complain. On the ark any crime is punishable by death no matter how little.

"Be quiet against the wal.." before he can finish I quickly jump from my seat on the hard mattress. This was my one chance. My fist shoots forward. It connects with his nose with a sickening crunch. My hair whips around as I sprint out the door. I look around the sky box to see every one else being restrained by members of the guard.

    With my marveling I almost miss shummway out of my peripheral vision. He lunges at me. I rapidly dodge his attack and counter it with my leg hooking onto the back of his knee. he slips to the ground infront of me. My frustration gets the best of me and I bend down putting my knee to his chest. My knee goes up and down at a steady beat with his rapid breathing. I pull my fist back and it connects with his face.

I go to punch one last time before I'm pulled back by guard members. Their tight grip turning my arms bright red. Cold metal connects with my skin as they clamp a metal band to my wrist. My brow furrows but before I can ask any questions a punch is sent into the side of my head. My eyes roll and my face connects with the shoulder of the next guard.

A sudden rattle jolts me awake. That's when I realize I'm restrained again. Looking around I take in my surroundings. A confined space with multiple kids restrained in the same way I am. My observing is interrupted by a voice.

"You're awake?" A boy questions. My eyes focus on the goggles on the top of his head.

"where are we?" I ignore his question. My eyes shifting from the goggles to the room.

"A drop ship" he looks at me. A large smile finding its way to his face. "we're going to earth"

The drop ship jerked again and I hit my head on the wall behind us. I almost groan at the thought of the headache I'm gonna have when this is all over. "I'm jasper by the way" 

"Claire" I don't give up my last name. On the ark it was illegal to be a second child. There's only been two documented cases in recent years of second children on the ark and that happens to be the Blake's and of course me.

The drop ship jerked roughly again. the sudden stop makes everyone hold still. Afraid to move.  "listen no machine hum" a boy on the other side of Jasper speaks. Jasper turns to him with a smile.

"That's a first" jasper said happily. Our seatbelts unclicked and I get up to stretch, already feeling the effects of me hitting my head on the wall. And of course the punch from the guardsman.

"The doors on the bottom floor" A girl yells out to no one in particular.

Slowly I make my way down the ladder and push my way through the crowd to get to the front. When I get to the there I see a member of the guard at the door. His hand on a lever. He was quite attractive. Tanned skin with freckles placed randomly across his face. His hair was slicked back and the muscles on his arms were visible through the sleeve of his guard jacket.

The hand he had placed on the lever was about to pull it but a blonde in the crowd stops him.

"Stop the air could be toxic" she says rushing to the front.

"If the airs toxic we're all dead anyway" I speak up looking at the blonde from across the crowd. She throws me a dirty look. I recognize that look from anywhere. She has to be the daughter of Abby Griffin.

"She's right" the guardsman says looking from me back to Clarke. A slight smirk appearing on his lips.

"Bellamy?" A quiet voice questions from the back. I soon see who it is when they get to the front.

"Oh my gosh" the guard says looking at her. He sticks out his arms and pulls her in for a hug. " look how big you are"

After a long minute she pulls back and tugs at his jacket.

"Why are you wearing a guards uniform?" I sigh in relief. Having guards down here would make things way more boring. Guards are like leaches except they don't suck blood they suck fun. Clarke speaks up again.

"Wheres your wrist band?" she asks the man making the girl turn around and glare daggers at Clarke.

"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year" she says looking at Clarke. Gasps sound off all around the small room. Whispers soon are heard coming from all sides of the crowd.

"No one has a brother"
"That's Octavia Blake"
" I hope that other freak isn't here to"

Tears sting my eyes but I blink them away. "everyone needs to shut the hell up" everyone turns to look at me. All the whispers finally stopping. "she couldn't help that she was born. " I heard some whispers but I couldn't make them all out.

"Claire Murphy"
"She should go float herself"

Bellamy then turns toward Octavia giving her a wide grin "o let's give them something else to remember you by."

"Like what?" she asked now grinning too. The same teeth showing their perfect genetics.

"Being the first person to walk on the ground in ninety seven years." he said, his hand finally pulling down the lever. a blinding light appeared to surround us. Taking a minute for my eyes to adjust I suck in a breath of fresh, non recycled air for the first time in my life. After an agonizing minute, Octavia stepped on the ground threw her arms out and yelled to the open forest.

"We're back bitches"  everyone exited the drop ship at a quick pace. free for the first time in our entire lives. Earth was beautiful there are so many colors. A stark contrast to the drab grey that covered the ark. I walk over slowly to Clarke who was huddled over an open map. Hoping to annoy the blonde I look over her shoulder.

"Is there a bar in this town? I could go for a beer." I joke. this instead only annoys the guy next to her. he turns and shoves me harshly by my shoulders.

"Do you mind?" He asks hatefully

Before I can speak to defend my self a voice behind me speaks. "hey man she's with us" the breath was immediately sucked out of me when I heard the voice. I could tell it from anywhere.
Hope you all like the first chapter and sorry about the cliff hanger

Will Murphy recognize his sister find out next chapter

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