Gyon op nodotaim

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"I can't believe they let Finn come."Octavia says as she hikes next to me. On my other side is Bellamy and behind us is Clarke and her mother.

"He's the best tracker we've got." Bellamy responds.

"Don't forget to look out." I say to everyone behind us. "We're in trikru territory. They use the trees."

"There," Raven points to a hill in front of us. "I see it."

"We should set up camp here and leave at first light." Clarke says to her mom. Abby nods her head. She looks around and I panic. She's gonna notice. Octavia and Bellamy snuck off to find a way into mount weather.

"We're missing two." Abby yells to the guards. She then turns to me. "Where the hell are they, Claire?"

"They're where they need to be." I respond to her.

"Claire," she pause and looks over to Clarke on my right. "Clarke, we're in enemy territory and their lives are my responsibility."

"They went to find a way in." Clarke says shortly. I really thought Clarke would've lasted a few minutes more than that.

"A way in?" Abby questions looking at me. "That's not what this mission is about."

"It is to the 100." I say. It just as important to the 100 as it is to bell, O, Clarke, and I. Abby turns to one of the guards.

"Find them," she pauses. "And take Claire with you."

"Yes ma'am." The guard walks over to me and grabs my upper arm, dragging me along with him.

"No need to be so rough." I joke with a smile but I drop it when I get a good look at the guard. "No freaking way."

He gives me a strange look but I pick up my smile.

"Your the guard that brought me to the drop ship." I smirk at his look of realization. "How did that Sparta kick feel?"

He ignores me and keeps dragging me through the woods. As I'm listening to the woods, like Augustus taught me, I hear someone following us. I stop in my tracks but the guard is still dragging me. I kick him in the back of the knee and make him fall to the ground. The other guard that was with us goes to attack me but I stop him by grabbing onto his jacket collar.

"Stop what your doing right now." I say looking over his shoulder. Between two trees I see someone run from one to the next. "We're being trailed. Go on find Bell and O. I got the grounder."

I walk to the edge of the woods and I pull out my machete. Just as I'm about to walk around a tree a girl jumps down from a tree in front of me. I immediately drop the bag on my back. As she pulls out her baton I swing my machete at her but she blocks me. I hear a distant howl but I ignore it. Or try to at least. She kicks my leg and makes me fall to the forest floor. As she's standing above me she breaks her baton so it becomes a sharp point. Gyon Op Nodotaim. Get back up. She smiles and drives the end of the baton through my leg.  I could have sworn it went through my leg and a few inches into the ground. I let out a blood curdling scream and bring my head down to the floor. She pulls it back out again but I stay down on the ground.

"Stand up and fight like a warrior." She growls. "Then I may give you a warriors death."

I stand up and look to the base of the tree near me to see that my machete has snapped in half. I'm weaponless. I look my attacker dead in the eyes. They were cold and heartless.

"Drop your weapon." I spit out. "Make this a fair fight."

As if being a show off she throws each piece of the baton and they stick in the tree behind me.

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