out the story (3)

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I love hot milk meme is really awsome and so kawaii :3 and this one is make by SAD-ist . Thank you S . I love your video .

Cuphead : * walk in * hey A what cha watching ?

Annie : im watching hot milk meme . Bendy is so KAWAII :3 look
* show cuphead *

Cuphead : * blushes * his mine * hiss at Annie face *

Annie : ok ok jeez man * stand back *

S!Filix : hi guys !
Annie : hiya F ! * show S!Filix *

S!Filix : oh my . Heh so cute ♡

Cuphead : * look at him * gggr

Bendy : Cuppy~♡ * jump in cuphead arms * i miss you

Cuphead : hahah is just only half day Bendy .

Bendy : but i feel it like forever >●<

Cuphead : * kisses Bendy softy *

Annie : =;;= * take a pics * * look at S!Filix * hey where is your fluffy bunny ?

S!Filix : hm ? Oh after i get out the bar he said he have something to do and tell to go home

Annie : << mind: wait dont tell me that he---->>

* back to Oswald *
???: ngh...pls im sorry

S!Oswald : * point gunt at his head * no one hurt my kitten .
BANG !!!!

* look at dead body with a cold face * disgusting * turn around and look at the tiger * and you...i have something just for you* take out a knife *

Tiger : n-no no no no NO PLS DONT DO THIS . I DONT WANNA DIE
AAAAAAAAAAAAGGH !!!! * scream in pain *

S!Oswald : * throw the knife at his lelf eye * shut your damn mouth* take out another knife and throw it at his right eye *


S!Oswald : no one will save you you * take out a gun * let me end your pain...oh dont worry . You wont feel any pain after this * point gunt at his head * see you in hell
( blood everywhere even on Oswald shirt and face )

S!Oswald : * wering another shirt to cover the blood and quickly ran home *
[ after 5 min ]
S!Oswald : * slam the door and heart beat fast when heard S!Filix voice *
S!Filix : Ozzy ? You ok ?

Annie : * look at S!Oswald *

S!Oswald : im find !...*try to not show him the blood * im just tire...i will get some rest . * tp to my room and close the door *

S!Filix : * look worried *

Annie : dont worry F...his find...he just get tire of work . He will be fine in the next morning
S!Filix : * look at Annie * if you say so...

P/s : as you can see i said there was error so i cant make more chapter...but i have to lelf it for 2 week to fix it and now im back . So thank you so much for reading i hope you guys love it...and sorry well me friends also a fangirl ship Bendy x Cuphead too so she ask me to make a lemon so i say no then she look at me with a puppy eyes...that is my weakness XD so i cant say no to that then im start to make it but is my first time . Is kinda not look...something much cuz i only do romantic and NOT sin but i only do that for her...so thank you so much for reading and i will see you next time bye bye 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄❤❤

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