chapter 6 : ( next )

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Bendy pov
" good morning class . Now everyone take out your homework " teacher said and started to walked past everyone in class . I slowly open my book but i not done my homework yet " Bendy . I wanna talk to you after class " teacher said with a sad voice . I nod " yes teacher " and we start to study math . [ after class ] i walked to the teacher desk " Bendy . This is the first time you didnt do homework . Give me a resion Bendy " teacher said while holding my book " im sorry . I forgot to do homework " i said and feel like a rock is crushes my chest " hmmm...this is the first time and you are my favoite student....i will pass this but if you forgot again i will double it understand ? " teacher said i nod " understood " " good . You can go now " he said and i walked fast out the class .
( at cantin )
Me and my friends sitting together like usesual . We are enjoying Filix funny story " i walked down , i walked down to the basement and saw a pool table . One dude running and threw his body on to the table and it broken in half . One kid found out wich room is Mr McNamara work . Run upstairs and took a shit on his computer . The party is going great . I standing in the basement . Im holding a red cup , you see in the movies , im holding a red cup and start to black out . I gess someone said " something something police " and billiant moment of word association , i yell : F*CK DA POLICE ! F*CK DA POLICE and everyone joined in . A 100 drunk white children yell F*CK....DA....POLICE and i heard someone said something something police and the police is standing right infrom of 100 white children . One bro stand up . He walk to the police like face to face and yell : F*CK DA POLICE and the police inpressed . He just like wow and take out a small radio : get the paddywagon . My friend Jonh now is a father , this man have a baby . He took a 40 and smashes it on the ground and yell : SCATTER ! and everyone run in a diffrent directions like human walk in the kitchen and all the rats run to a diffrent way....( sorry but i forgot half the story ) " filix said and everyone laught . Minnie look at me " Bendy ? Did Cuphead come to class today ? We dont see him anywhere " i sigh " no...last night i text to him and he said to stay away from him " then everyone quiet . Annie look at me then smile like she know what happen betwin me and Cups . She whisper " why dont you tell your secret to us Bendy ? " i socked look at her and look at eveyone....i try to open my mouth to say something but i cant even say a words out of my mouth... Filix look at my red face comfused " umm...Bendy are you ok ? " his words make Minnie Mickey and Oswald look at me " t-there...i-is....i m-mean...i have s-something t-to tell y-you guys " i try to not show that i am really shy right now . Everyone get closer to me to listen " g-gay a-and im in love with Cuphead " i look up at my friends . Their face like
Minnie : (0o0)
Filix : (0^0)
Oswald : (0_0)
Annie : ( :3 )
" i didnt know that Bends . Why you not telling us about that ? " Minnie said " m-me a-and Cup have thinking about this b-but we too nervous to tell you s-so we k-keep this as a secret " i said while cover my face . Oswald stand up and sit next to Filix " guys . Since Bendy tell that his also want to tell gay too " Oswald said and hugging Filix . Filix blushes " O-Ozzy ! " and everyone do that socked face again " and the person i gay for is Filix " Oswald said and Filix hide his face on Oswald chest . Im so happy that not only me and Cuphead . Is also my best friend too . Im happy for them then Annie and Minnie hug eachother and screamming like fangirl . " oh my god Bendy , Oswald , Filix . Im soo happy for you guys " Minnie said and hug three off us . We let out a soft laught .
[ skipping ] ( :333333333 heheh )
In the night . I sneak out again to find that man with the red mask . This time i need to be careful or the man with a creepy smile will catch me again . Is 12 : 00 pm now . I hidding on a tree waitting for a sign of that man . 5 min later i heard i horroble screaming of a woman . I go search for that and finally i found it . I saw a dead body and...a sadow . I look closer and realize ' that man ' and run to him . He soon turn back and clearly like trying to run away from me " WAAAIT ! PLEASE I WANNA MEET YOU " i yell and out of breaths . He run to a small dark alley i follow him then im stop cuz is was dead end . I take out my small flashlight " hello ? " i said and look around " you shouldn't come here " i heard a dark deep scary voice . I saking " w-who's there . Show me your face " i said try to brave and waitting for him....but no one show up . I walk around then suddenly i feel a hand cross around my hip and pick me up . Im now on a hole in the wall and sitting on his lap " hey ! Is you . I wa--" he cover my mouth before i finish my words " ssssh " i heard a footstep and a famillar voice " uugh god damn it . I saw him walking in here ! " that him . The man try to kill me last night " he said angry then walk away . When his gone i look back " whos are you ? " i said " you dont need to know " he reply " i rase my hand to take out his mask but he block me . He pick me up and jump out the hole . He let go of me " go home " is all he can say . I still standing the moment i quicly get the mask but he block every single move of me . I get a little noying then i kick his leg and slap him so heard that make his mask and his hat drop down . I socked when i saw a red straw and i saw his face clearly at the mood light " Cuphead ? "

P/s : wanna see more ? Then you have to wait . Hi guys . So what do you think about this chapter ? Comment for me ok ? Ok see you guys next time . I will go to sleep now .

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