Bravest Warrior Truth OR Dare

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Catbug- HI! I'm Catbug! I will be the host of "Bravest Warriors Truth or Dare". Beth was supposed to host it but she is busy sleeping. *giggles*

*chris comes into the room with a plate of peanut butter squares*

Chris- Hey Catbug! I got your peanut butter squares, just like you asked me to get! *looks at camera* uh.... Catbug? What's going on?

Catbug- Oh, Beth created a TV show called "Bravest Warriors Truth or Dare" and GIMME PEANUT BUTTAH SQUARES!!

*chris gives catbug his peanut butter squares*

Chris- sounds cool. Can I host too?

Catbug- I don't know. *chews on peanut butter square* it depends, *chews* are you up for it? *swallows*

Chris- Well DUH! I'm am TOTALLY up for it! If I can beat that field buffalo with a wizard hat and a staff while I'm doing my private biz, then I can host for Beth's show. *he crosses his arms and does a cool looking smile*

Catbug- alright then, but didn't Wallow help you with that field buffalo with a wizard hat and a staff?

Chris- GRRRR! Shut up!

*catbug laughs*

Catbug- hehe, ok on with da show. *wipes tears from eyes from laughing so much* have a seat chris. *pats a seat right next to him* ok, our first dare is from someone named VaN0sSWaRrIoRFAn.

Chris- well, that's a..... pretty odd name. But, meh, what the heck. What's the dare?? *jumps in seat*

Catbug- she says that Wallow has to smack Danny in the face with a frozen waffle and then a trash can lid and finally, with a chainsaw.

*chris has a terrified look on his face*

*he grabs the camera and yells*


*catbug laughs histerically*

Catbug- I was just KIDDING with the chainsaw thing! *laughs and falls off of chair*

*Wallow and Danny run in the room*

Wallow- We heard a loud thud.

Danny- Yea, so, where's the danger?

*Wallow and Danny see catbug on the floor laughing and chris is still hanging onto the camera*

*catbug stops laughing and goes back on chair*

Catbug- that, was probably the longest time I've ever laughed in my entire life! *catches breath and eats another peanut butter square* now that Wallow and Danny are here *swallows* we can finally do the dare! *puts paws in the air filled with peanut butter* YAY!!

Wallow- uh, Dare?

*chris finally let's go of camera and explains the dare to Wallow and Danny*

Danny- WHAAAAAAT?!?! There is NO WAY in getting slapped by Wallow! In case you haven't noticed, he is, hint hint, oh let's say, STRONGER THAN ME!!!! *his arms are waving all over the place*

Wallow- yea, there is no way I'm doing this dare also. Seriously, due to my lack of strength, I might just rip half of his face off! *turns back at Chris and catbug* I am NOT doing the dare. *crosses arms*

Danny- yea, me either *does the same thing like Wallow*

Catbug- you either do it or I will self destruct your prized possessions. *pulls out a big red button that says 'boom goes the dynamite'*

Danny- Even Jelly Kid?!

*catbug nods and starts moving paw towards the button*

Danny- OK! OK I'LL DO IT!! JUST PLEASE DONT SELF DESTRUCT JELLY KID!! *is on his knees begging at catbug*

*catbug puts the red button down and looks at wallow*

*wallow turns his head*

Wallow- ok fine, I'll do it..... but only because I don't want my Gale-Boo to explode into little microscopic organism pieces.

Chris- you know what to do...

Wallow- computer, can you give me a frozen waffle and a lid of a trash can please?

*computer does a noise and a frozen waffle and a trash can lid appears next to Wallow*

Chris- this is going to be AWESOME!

Danny- shut up, blondie!

*chris gets out his phone and starts recording*

Danny- just get the dare over with! I want to beat up Chris for recording this stupid dare.

Catbug- YOU TAKE THAT BACK! * catbug throws a piece of peanut butter at Danny* *and he goes back to chewing on his peanut butter squares*

*Wallow grabs frozen waffle and walks towards Danny*

*Wallow slaps Danny's left cheek and then it turns purple*


*wallow grabs the trash can lid and slaps Danny on the other cheek*

*danny falls to floor screaming like a little girl*

*beth runs into the room with her pj's on*

Beth- can't you guys keep it down? I'm trying to sleep.*beth rubs her eyes and then sees that wallow with the trash can lid, Danny screaming on the floor, chris recording on his phone, and catbug just nibbling away on his last peanut butter square*

Beth- *says with serious voice* the show was today, wasn't it?

*catbug nods and cleans paws*

Catbug- well, that's it for today everybody! Go have a wonderful day! And remember this, EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK!

*catbug waves goodbye*

I know that was like, really long but I barely has no ideas in my Ming and I just kept on typing down my ideas on here. And my thumbs are freaking killing me like crap so yea.... -_- >3<

Post your comments on some new dares cuz I don't want to be the only one making dares. I might be able to do all of the dares that you guys will request but I don't really know yet. So, post your dare idea in the comments and maybe your dare will be in the episodes that follow this long episode ("-.-)


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