The hangover

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Will's POV

Last night was wild well not for me anyways I was pretty much sober the whole night. But I woke up to the smell of Vodka, Christmas cookies, and vomit
And I was in the bathroom and thought "Did I get drunk or something?" But I couldn't have so I went to the living room. I saw Lucas and Max on the couch passed out but I couldn't find Dustin.

"Pleaseeee muma I need the CoOkIe"

Which scared me half to death but it turns out it was Dustin he somehow ended up in the backyard. Like how the fuck?

     As I had DRAGGED him back in back inside and started to clean a bit because it's my nature. Then by the time I finished up Max and Lucas woke up. In agonizing pain.

"Damn we got wasted" Lucas said

"Yeah that's one thing you got write" Max said

Then when I went outside I could NOT believe my eyes the house had been toilet paper!

"Guys you HAVE to come out here" I said




All amazed we HAD to clean it up it wasn't that bad but I mean it was work. But after we cleaned that up we all headed home pretty much

Hey guys Angie here sorry I haven't written in awhile just been super busy lately that's all also sorry this chapter not long but I got another chapter on the way

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