Chapter 1

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Another day of living, another day of not eating. I want to eat but I cry if I eat something and I'll get called names but I'm used to it. I wake up everyday and I feel miserable, I walk to my bathroom and change into the outfit of the day.

 I wake up everyday and I feel miserable, I walk to my bathroom and change into the outfit of the day

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Once I got dressed I went to my kitchen and looked at my plate of food and walked out of my house

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Once I got dressed I went to my kitchen and looked at my plate of food and walked out of my house. I walk to school and I see my friend Karalyn Wonder and I walk over to her and I see my other friends with her, I try to make a conversation.

"Hey guys." I said. "Hey Cora, are you okay? You seem upset." Karalyn said. "I'm fine just a little tired." I lied.

*The school bell rings*

"Well I got to go to class, bye guys." I said walking into the school.

I walk to my first class, Algebra 1

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I walk to my first class, Algebra 1. Uggghhhh. I hate the subject and it's too early in the morning to do math.

*time skip to lunch because I'm lazy*

Once 4th period was over it was lunch time... uggghhhhh. I'm not going to eat anything. I sit at my table and wait for my friends but a group of boys came up to me and gave me a notebook.

Great more names... I put the notebook in my backpack and wait for my friends. When they got to the table they started to eat and I was waiting for my next class to start.

"Cora are you gonna eat something?" Luke asked. "Oh I'm not hungry." I said. "Are you sure? I can get you-" "I'm fine." I walked out of the cafeteria and waited outside of my next classroom. I looked at my phone and notice I have 30 minutes till my next class started. Ugggghhhh.
I put in my headphones and listen to my favorite song.


I had the song on repeat then the bell rang for 5th period, as I went to the classroom I got the feeling of wanting to throw up.

*time skip to the end of the day because I said so*

I ran out of the school when the bell rang and I was about to walk home when I got pushed to a wall. I couldn't see their face, but all I heard was "Rat Queen or should I say fat queen." Then they left, I was in shock.

I started walking home and I passed Paige's house I wanted to say hi to her but she probably doesn't want to talk to me. When I got home I went straight for my room.

I'm a hufflepuff

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I'm a hufflepuff. I have no shame.

*time skip to the night time*
I changed into my PJs and got ready to sleep.

Today was an interesting day for me and I'm really tired, so is the author

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Today was an interesting day for me and I'm really tired, so is the author. It's 1:30 a.m and she is very tired.

(SHE BROKE THE FORTH WALL!!!) Good night/ Good morning. I'm going to sleep.

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