Chapter 20

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"Agh! I must be out of my mind," was the first thing Jingyu yells when we got to my house.
"What's wrong?" I question him.
"Nothing. Nothing at all," he answers with a smile. But I could tell he was lying, Jingyu has had only one outburst in his life time, plus he was mumbling something as he walk to the kitchen.
"Unnie," I heard Sunshine call from my bedroom.
She sound desperate so I ran and almost trip.

[A/N: funny story from your author-
I was walking around my house and stubbed my big toe on the right onto the floor.
It hurts.
How can someone do that?!
Okay back to the story😋]

"Yes," I exclaim when I got to my room.
"Should I leave my hair down or put it up?"
I sigh, "For what?"
"Tomorrow for school."
"Jingyu!" I shout.
He came up running so fast and said, "Make it fast cause I got the breakfast going on."
"Should she put her hair up or down?" I ask while point at Sunshine.
He left running after answering.
"Tsk, tsk," I chid at his empty space, "He sure loves cooking."
I turn back to Sunshine who was now laying her uniform out.
"Unnie," she asks.
"I ship You and Jinkook Oppa."
"Uh-huh, that's great," I said not paying attention at what she said.
Then it took me a minute to realize her words.
"Goodnight. I'm going to use the bathroom first," she tells me with a smile and a wink as she goes to the bathroom to do her night ritual.
"Aren't you going to eat," I ask her as I walk to my closet.
"I'm just- . - fine, I'll eat," gave me a look, "But if only Jingyu Oppa calls us."
I smirk at her and held up three of my fingers. I count down with my fingers slowly.
"Dinner is SeRVed," Jingyu yells throughout the house.
We all yell back, "Coming!"
I swear it's like a herd of elephants running in my house, cause that's what we sounded like right now.
My house become a full out war zone with pushing to get to the best seat. The best seat is far away from Jingyu. If your close to him, he'll eat up most of the food position there.
"Yah! Get out of the way!"
"No you!"
The boys started yelling once they reach the farthest chair together. They had pulled it out. So I sat down there with Sunshine across me. Guess the boys forgot about that chair.
"Hey! We got here first," they both complain in unison.
"Whelp, I sat down here first," I tell them with a smirk.
Jingyu took a look at us and question like he always does, "Why are you guys wanting to sit there? The best place is right beside me."
Me and Sunshine quietly laugh as the boys gave us glares and sat down.
Jinkook took the seat beside me and Eunwoo day across from him beside Sunshine while Jingyu sat at the head of the table. My table has benches and chairs so it's why we can fit the whole Bangtan family.
It has 6 benches that can fit two to three people and 10 chairs. We have baby chairs folded and stored away in a closet somewhere.
My parents really love being with family and friends, especially Omma since her last name used to be Jung and she is the J-Hope's sister.
"Sugar... Yah, Sugar."
I felt someone poking which brought me out of my thoughts.
I look to see everyone staring at me.
I look back down at my plate and realized that my food was partly off the plate. I start to feel nauseous.
"Excuse me, I don't feel hungry," I said quietly but I know they all heard me.
"Okay. You should go to bed early," Jinkook said worriedly.
I nod and walk back to my room. I did my nightly routine and put on my most comfortable pajamas which had Appa's Shooky on the front.
It is really fuzzy.
Rubbing my belly because that has the softest part, I lay in my bed and sigh.
"Omma, I miss you. I kept your promise, but now that I'll be joining a group. I think I won't be able to see Appa because we'll be living in our own dorms. Plus, Oppa isn't going to be home until a long time. Omma, did I do the right thing," I spoke to my ceiling  which has a piece of the galaxy in art. Omma painted it for me when I told her I had an interest in the sky at night.
I curled up in bed and hug my favorite pillow.
I felt my eyes close and somehow I could hear Omma's lullaby.

"La la la, my little butterfly.
Fly up high and spread your wings.
Live your dream as you sleep tonight.
Remember my little butterfly,
I'll always love as you fly.
La la la, my butterfly."

Jeon Jinkook POV-

I went to check up on Sugar. When I got there, it seems like she was sing to herself.
I caught onto her words. And I realize, Aunt Nari sang that lullaby to Sugar and Hyung. I remember because I once slept over and she sang that for us.
I slid down my Moon's door and thought of how hard it was for her to go through all of this.
I stood up again and went closer to her because she had stopped sing.
I lean closer and saw a single tear trickling down her face as she slept.
"Moon, I'm sorry I can't do anything to cheer you up. I'm sorry," I whisper quietly to her.
Humming the tune of Aunt Nari's lullaby, I carcasses My Moon's face.
I heard her let out a sad sigh.
Taking my hand away I kissed her cheek and walk back to the others.
When I got there, Sunshine pass me.
She stops me with her hand.
"Jinkook Oppa, please don't hurt Unnie," she tells me before letting me go and going back up to get ready for bed.
I gave a sigh and went to the guest room. I didn't bother going down to help Jingyu and Eunwoo since it was their turn to clean.
I did my nightly routine and lay on my bed.
"Good night, Moon."
I hum the lullaby and fell asleep.


"Wake Up Everyone!"
Was the first thing I heard.
I'm going to sit on Eunwoo later on.
Sunshine groans as she trails to my bathroom. Guess 5 more minutes for me.
Before I could close my eyes, Jinkook happens to come into my room with his eyes barely open.
He starts to mumble about something. I didn't even try because I was too lazy. He walks to my bed. Before I could stop him he laid down right beside me and starts cuddling.
I groan as I try to push him away.
Soon I got tired and just let him be.
I closed my eyes and fell right back to sleep.

......5 minutes later......

Something is tickling my nose.
I try to swat it away with my eyes close. The movement of my hand made me wake up.
"Yah. Stop it," I turn to see that it was Jinkook with a string. He is now fully awake with his uniform on.
"Get up sleepy head. We got to go to school."
I dragged myself out of bed and went into my bathroom.
I got ready for school. After that I went downstairs for breakfast.
I smelt eggs, scrambled eggs.
I smile at the smell.
"Good morning, Sugar," everyone greets me.
"Morning," I answer them back.
"Eat Up And we'll leave right away," Jingyu commanded.
I nod and ate up my share of breakfast.
After eating, we all went to the personal book bag rack since me and my brothers often forget things like our book bags when we were younger. So Omma asked Appa to build a rack that would hold our school stuff.
Getting our stuff, we all went outside and I lock the door.

Well, School, watch out because Bangtan Kids are on their way!

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