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Roman's POV

I closed my eyes as he worked his hand through my hair. This was so wrong, but it felt so - 



This IS wrong! What am I doing?!

My eyes snapped open, and I pulled away abruptly, startling Anxiety.  He pulled away as well, the shocked sadness of ten thousand broken dreams reflected in his deep brown eyes. 

"Anxiety, I.."

"No.. I-I get it. I'll just-"

Before I could say anything more, he was gone.

Virgil's POV

Cold air swirled around me as I resumed my place on the roof once more. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in my elbow, feeling the icy sensation of a few stray black tears sinking into the fabric of my hoodie.

What is wrong with me? So

Roman could never love me. Not, at least, as much as I love him.

I'm hopeless. A completely lost cause.

I lifted my head from the crook of my elbow, glancing at the edge of the roof, pondering if I should forget it all and it. 

Wondering if I should just jump off, and release my self from this hell, for what I wish I could say was the first time.

"Don't even think about it." A comforting voice said from beside me. I quickly turned my head to find the source, only to see Roman, sitting there by my side. I couldn't breathe, much less speak. A small, faint cry was all that could escape.

"It's okay." He said quietly. "It's going to be okay. I promise." He extended his arm to wrap around my shoulders, but before he could, I was already crying into his, clutching onto the fabric of his shirt ever so tightly.  "Anxiety, I'm..I'm sorry about this morning. And last night. And.. everything. I didn't realize it would affect you so much."

"Roman?" I choked out between sobs.

"Yes, Anxiety?"

"I.." I couldn't form the sentence.

"No, it's alright." I felt his hand cup under my chin as he lifted my face up and toward his. "I love you too."

And then it happened again.

I Hate You More {Prinxiety}Where stories live. Discover now