After the Christmas break, you go to Richies house after school to find out why he wasn't at school, you knock on the door and a woman answers. 'Hello?' She said, you smile. 'Um, hi? Is Richie home?' She nods. 'Yes? Who are you?' You say. 'I'm Y/n, Richies girlfriend.' She nods and points to a door, she says. 'That's Richies room.' You nod walking past her and knocking on the door.

You hear a pant. 'Go away! Doing something!' You knock again and Richie says. 'MOM! GO AWAY!' You laugh. 'It's not your mom Richie.' You hear some shuffling around and Richie opens the door flustered sweating. You laugh. 'Richie?' He looks you up and down and he nods. 'Yeah babe?' You say. 'I can tell what you where doing.' He says. 'You're not helping with what I want to do.' You walk into his room and you see a lump under his bed cover, you ask. 'What's under your sheets?' 

He laughs. 'Nothing.' You pull the covers up reveling lotion and tissues, you laugh. 'Richie Hoezier.' Richie jokes smacking your ass. 'Maybe you could help.'  You kiss his cheek. 'No thanks, that thing is too tiny!' He laughs. 'That's not what you where saying on Christmas.'You laugh. 'Richie.' You kiss him softly and he smiles into the kiss, it was short and innocent but, being Richie Hoezier, he squezzes your butt and you moan into the kiss, he pulls away and says. 'I love you. . .'

You smile. 'I love you too.' 

This was weird but, meh. Hope you enjoyed, bye. ~ Me.

Eddies sister. [Richie X Reader.]Where stories live. Discover now