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Ace hopped on a Greyhound bus, heading straight to St. Augustine. After five years, he was going home.

He relaxed against the plush seat. Thankfully it wasn't too crowded. He could tip his hat down over his face and take a nap.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder. A green haired man, wearing earrings and with a nasty scar on his right eye; slashing it out. Did Whitebeard send someone for him already?

"That seat taken?" He asked in a gruff voice, pointing to the one next to Ace. Ace sighed in relief and shook his head.

"Nah, you're good to sit there, if you'd like."


The man sat down, with no other word. Looks like Ace could still nap. He pulled his leather jacket over his white tank-top clad torso and shut his eyes.

He hadn't told Luffy he was coming home directly. Hinted, but not stated.

How would he react? What if he hated him?

Holy shit. What about his huge back tattoo, he had been made to get to prove his loyalty as Second Face? Luffy would know something had been up. That couldn't be hidden. It was too large; spanning his middle back from either side, down to his tailbone, as high as his shoulder blade line.

"Dammit..." he grumbled, but he yawned. Too tired to coherently think of an excuse. Maybe at the next stop.

The time to worry about that would be later, as he drifted off to sleep. His snores made the man next to him look on in disgust, so he got up and moved.

Even though the bus hit bumps and potholes, nothing could wake him. The road there had been worse.

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