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Ace awoke to someone poking him on the shoulder, telling him it was his turn to finally get off the bus. Grabbing his few things from the overhead, he stepped outside onto ground he thought he would never see again.

It was a few blocks to the apartment complex that Ace and Luffy once shared tenancy, and he knew that hadn't changed for the younger. Every street sign and curve in the pavement was coming back to Ace, his feet acting for his brain and reigniting memories of what felt like a different life.

A grumble in his stomach halted him. Perhaps he could stop at the convenience store before heading to the apartment—even pick up some food to help appease Luffy with. After wasn't like he'd brought him back much to remember the time he spent away. Like the kid would want drugs. Crossing the street, he went into the dingy building, and picked out a few snacks. Candy, chips. Luffy had always had a sweet tooth and preferred junk food.

Bounty of snacks in tow, he continue onward. So far? Nobody was looking for him, Newgate hadn't sent anyone up this way. That was good. Very good. Hopefully it would remain that way, and he could get on to at least a partially normal life with his younger brother. If he'd have it.

The complex loomed in front of him like an unruly beast. All angles seemed to be unapproachable, and, more daunting than the last. He could waltz right up to the doorbell and ask to be buzzed in like a normal person, couldn't he? But he didn't feel like a normal person anymore.

He'd been a kingpin for too long. A Face.

Shaking his breaking-and-entering thoughts away, he let rationale take hold. Walked up the concrete steps, and pressed the worn down buttons; punching in the apartment number followed by a one. Static crackled as it rang, and Ace wondered if it even worked anymore. This apartment building was kind of shifty like that. Impatience led him to press the buttons again.

There was no more ringing, only a concerned voice on the other end.


Ace had nearly thrown all of the snacks and his bag when he heard Luffy answer. It took him off guard. And, apparently, it took him a little long to answer, as Luffy (rightfully annoyed) asked who it was once again.

He gulped and tightened his grips around the food in his hands.

"It's me, Lu."

Silence. Deafening. He swore he could hear the blood rushing in his veins. Every car on the street and bird in the sky seemed to be his only company and solace right now. It was like an eternity passed. Why did he think this was a good idea? Sure, on paper maybe Luffy was okay with it; but now? Maybe not so much. Maybe he didn't want to see his older brother ever again. Ace should've never came back. He should've stayed dealing drugs and working for—

A buzz as the front door unlocked. The sound of him actually being let in, of Luffy's own decision. No begging or pleading required. The line was still silent so he wished not to ask more questions just yet, so he pulled the brown door open with ferocious eagerness and nearly floated inside. Afraid if he didn't act fast enough, Luffy would lock him out and not let him in a second time.

Every step up to their third floor apartment felt as if he was going to explode. Words jumbled in his head as he didn't know what to say. How could he say what he felt? How could he truly say he was sorry? That would have to be figured out fast; as he stepped in front of their apartment...392. Raising his hand, lowering it, and raising it again, he knocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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