Chapter 18

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"Diao will not be pleased with either of you for this," Endotuer commented out loud, looking over Xia again. "He will not be happy that you have damaged his newest pet Xia. Especially given the reason he had bought Tamur," he admitted. 

Tamur let out another sound of pain and sorrow. Xia reacted by crawling onto the hay behind them and hugging Tamur himself. An action which only added to the list of strange things Xia had done despite being a bully. Xia had tried to hurt Kenneth and then had beaten Tamur up for trying to defend him and yet at the moment...

"Now Kenneth. You know bullies are rarely just so," Endotuer scolded, sensing Kenneth disliked Xia. Justifiable given the events of that afternoon but things were rarely that simple. Jealousy brought out the worst in everyone, animal or sentient. Even if Tamur had not known, Xia had. Endotuer was almost sure of that.  

"Why has Diao bought Tamur?" Kenneth asked, trying to react as Xia licked over his head slightly, still buried in Tamur's arms comfortably. He could feel Tamur trembling. It was very unnerving to feel. He had never actually held someone while they trembled. He was more of a go out and grab the pizza and ice cream guy than the cuddle and hold guy. At least he wasn't expected to actually talk to Tamur. He was too young to talk after all.

"Xia's master has several seahorses but he only pays for Xia to be trained as a racer. His others are female. They are normally used to impregnate males who are off a suitable pedigree. Like Tamur.  Tamur is a good breed and has a fair few medals to his name already, he well make a good stud," Endotuer explained softly, his feelings sad but not overly so. Like this was just a sad part of life as apposed to anything which could be stopped or helped.  

"He's being whored out," Kenneth realised, listening as Tamur keened painfully. 

Xia began to nuzzle the other seahorse gently as Tamur's pain became vocal. Kenneth listening as the bully whispered about how this wasn't that bad. Trying to reassure Tamur that Diao was a good master despite what everyone liked to say about him. The words twisted in Kenneth's stomach, only adding to the confusion about Xia. The bully was being very kind to Tamur at the moment. 

"Try not to put so crassly but yes. This part of seahorse life I'm afraid. Once a seahorse is carrying, they can't race until the pup has been born," Endotuer's voice was slightly sympathetic. "He had a good future ahead of him but Kniaot lost a lot of money recently because of the Jacks scandal. Most people train horses from being young. No one buys them for racing at Tamur's age."  

"This happen a lot?'" Kenneth asked, feeling slightly scared. 

"Not normally to seahorse who are taught by me. The standard I teach are usually safe from career changes. But I guess that only makes them more valuable when they do go up for sale as breeders," Endotuer murmured, petting Tamur and sitting down completely on the nest next to them. Tamur rubbed his head against Endotuer's knee and Endotuer petted him. Endotuer humming a gentle song to reassure him. 

Tamur sobbed softly. "I don't want to be a breeder!" he neighed. Endotuer hushing him and stroked his head. 

"I know," Endotuer breathed. "I know sweetheart."

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