Chapter 16

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There was a moment before waking up that Kenneth enjoyed. A moment of peace and darkness where nothing wrong could happen. Light fluttering outside his closed eyes and wanted none of it. The sound of a door opening cracked through his stubborn numbness and yanked him back into reality. Opening one eye, he saw Endotuer walking into the room. He groaned and tried to bury himself back into the warm safety of the cradle.

"Sorry, Keni," Endotuer whispered, knowing he had woken the pup up. "But Abi is coming over again," Endotuer kissed Kenneth as he whined. Too deep in between asleep and awake to comprehend what was about to occur.

Endotuer placed a soft blanket over him, tucking it in around his limbs, uncasing him in a bundle of wools and warmth. Strong arms picked him up, the hands firm but soft. Nothing in his mind felt wrong. Safe surrounded him tightly. Endotuer cooed as he walked back into the main room. Kenneth whined as the light blinded him, tucking his head under the blankets surrounding him to block it out. He didn't want to deal with anything at that moment. A rumble moved through Endotuer's chest as he laughed. Kenneth let his tail flick back and batter Endotuer's chest.

Endotuer placed Kenneth on the same play mat as the day before but curled on the ground under the blanket. It was cold outside of the material. His tail waved as he shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position to lay down.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not for the muck,"

"Keni," Endotuer coaxed, footsteps getting closer, no doubt armed with the liquid. "Are we going to have to go through this every time?" Endotuer lifted the blanket from him. Kenneth let out a cry of anger, shivering without the material. He glared at the bottle, attempting to roll away from it. Endotuer pulled him over and put the nub into his mouth.

Kenneth fed.

Endotuer didn't say anything, rubbing Kenneth's side as he tried to get it down as fast as possible without gagging. As he finished, he offered Kenneth a bowl of melon to help get rid of the taste in his mouth. "Good boy," Endotuer praised, rubbing in a particular spot that had Kenneth melting. Kenneth leant into it before his body froze and he tried to pull away. "Too late, pup. You're showing your cute side," Endotuer teased.

"I'm not a pup!"

"Yes, you are,"

Kenneth growled but before Endotuer could respond the doorbell rang through the house. "Easy," Endotuer hummed, patting Kenneth's side. "Time to be a good boy. Just remember, it would be easy for me to punish you once you are human again tonight. My friend enjoys pups, so let your instincts do the work."

"I'll behave," Kenneth sulked, twisting over and hitting one of his blasted toys.

Endotuer smiled fondly before opening the door to greet Abi. Surprise slammed into him. He blinked. Abisecaan was there, grinning with his teeth on full display. The reason was apparent. Judge Junion was in front of him. Endotuer mentally went over what he had ordered the day before. Abisecaan was a friend, but first and most important, he was also Endotuer's shadow. He was from a clan of assassins which served the council members. Abisecaan was his.

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