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Mackenzie's POV

I really didn't want to be at school right now, I would rather be anywhere in the world but here. My hair was in a messy bun, I had a massive, grey oversized hoodie on with blue jeans and my vans. The only thing I was looking forward to was my mom coming back from her trip. I skipped a week of school and got to zoom ahead with the vampire diaries, but got loads of homework as well as loads of lessons to catch up on. Brynn and Lauren both came round to visit me a number of times the week I was sick and I was happy with how close I was getting with both of them. The difference between them and Lexi was the fact that they were genuine and she wasn't.

Brandon wouldn't stop texting me and it was getting on my nerves now.

Brandon wouldn't stop texting me and it was getting on my nerves now

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I replied with, "fuck off, we're over." before blocking his number finally.

People were whispering again but right now I honestly couldn't give two shits. I was furious at Lexi still and the girls had no idea what on earth happened, but best believe I was going to tell them everything.

I stormed into the classroom we normally hang out in before school, slamming my bag on a desk and muttering about how I was so pissed as both Lauren and Brynn rushed up to me asking me what was wrong.

"Kenzie, breathe. What's up? Why are you so pissed?" Lauren said, sitting on the teachers desk and patting the spot next to her.

So I told them. I told them how I found Brandon and Lexi together and explained to them why I actually missed that week of school as well as showing them all the thirsty texts Brandon kept sending me. They looked at each other with worried looks and refused to look me in the eye.

"What is it that you two know that I don't?" I say, snatching Lauren's phone out of her hands. The two blondes looked at me solemnly, their blue eyes wide as they waited to see my expression to what I was about to see. "I hate her. It has to be her. Who else is petty, jealous and childish enough to do this. I'm going to rip out her hair when I next see her, I swear."

"No you're not Kenz. You're going to pretend like nothing happened." Brynn stands up and takes my hair out of the bun it's in, before creating two dutch braids. "You're going to show Lexi that she can't break you. You're going to be strong."

I hugged Brynn and Lauren, still absolutely fuming from the account but glad I had such wonderful people surrounding me now. We walked to our next lesson which was food tech and lounged around outside the room, waiting for the bell to go. I played with the end of my braids and pulled at my baby hairs, bringing them out,while Lauren and Brynn were talking about James Charles and how his makeup is fantastic. I don't really listen while they're fangirling because my thoughts were getting in the way. Brandon was in my class for this but thankfully Lexi wasn't or else I would have accidently set her 'designer bag' on fire.

The bell went and we filled inside, sitting on our tables or workbenches whatever you want to call them as the teacher came in.

"This term all the food tech teachers have decided it's going to be a partner work challenge. You all will be using the knowledge you've been collecting for the past few years and we will be putting you to the test. So we are basically going to be having a competition each lesson. You will be told to bake something, and we will be judging to find the best ones. The pair with the most amount of wins get to skip the lunchline for the rest of the year." There were loads of "oohs" and "ahhs" but I didn't care. I barely ate. "But you will not be picking your pairs, we've already put you in them." Everyone muttered and sighed, making their own comment on this as Ms. Oddbod coughed, implying she still had more to say. "The assignments are on the board and the food you will be making in this lesson is pancakes. Use anything in the fridge, make it as creative but tasty as you possibly can."

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