Rainy Days

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Rain showered the busy city. With the faded sound of car horns and the way the street was lit up by blurred lights touchig the wet roads, it was beautiful. Lance would almost consider it perfect even, if it weren't for the ghoul attacks. They used to only occur occasionally, but ten years ago, a large group of ghouls came together and the killings got more frequent. The group ended up with the name "Galra" when Lance was seven. That was the time that they made themselves known. Lance knew they killed humans, it was hard not to know about that even at his young age then. He was aware that not all killed for fun. Some killed because they had to. The boy was facinated by them, and was one of the few who wasn't completely against their kind.That was, until they took his mother. After he found out that she had been killed by the galra, he started to see nothing but red towards the ghouls, Galra or not. He vowed to put an end to them. That's what led him down the path of leaving his family behind; he left to become an investigator. He felt a need to protect what family he had left. For a while he was tempted to move to the Japan branch, but then decided against it. Sure, they may not be made to go to a college while doing their physical training, but Lance was not about to learn another language just to avoid that. He already mixed his Spanish in with his English enough as it is.

He pulled his earbuds out when he saw the sign for his favorite coffee shop, Voltron. Pocketing his phone as he entered, the bell chimed, allowing the workers to know they have a new customer. He was greeted with the usual, "Hello, welcome to Voltron cafe." Lance looked to see who the voice belonged to, not reconizing it. He walked up to the counter to greet the apparent new worker. "Who are you? I don't think I've seen you around before." Lance took in the man's features- he was shorter than Lance by at least two or three inches, his hair was an inky black, his skin was relativly pale, and he appeared to have somewhat of a lean figure.

"You can read my nametag if you really want to know. So are you going to get anything or are you just going to stand there?" The man said. Lance glanced down at the name tag- Keith.

"Oh, right. Well Keith, I'll have a black coffee, a caramel latte, and er... whatever you guys have for a special today I guess. Drink wise." Keith nodded and started to make the order. "So when did you start working here?" Lance asked, "Oh, and here's my credit card."

Keith took the card while answering, "two days ago." Keith gave Lance his card back after he finished charging him. "Do you want these for here or to go?" He asked.

"Here. I'm just waiting on two friends." Lance saw a flash of red hair and suddenly stopped speaking to Keith, "Coran!" He shouted, getting the man's attention. Coran was an older man in his mid 40's, not that he admits that very often. He's the co-manager of the cafe, next to Allura, who gained the main position of manager after her father passed away.

"Lance, my boy! How have you been? And I see you've met our new employee!" Coran said with a grin.

"I've been pretty good, thanks. Yeah," Lance heard Keith clear his throat and turned to look back at him.

"Your drinks are ready." Lance gave a soft smile to him as Keith handed him his tray. Lance gripped the tray tightly, careful to balance the drinks; he certainly learned his lesson the last time he decided to be a little carefree.  He chose his usual table, happy nobody was in it, and sat the drinks down. Lance looked around to see where Coran went. Lucky for him, he was just sweeping a little at a table near him. "Hey Coran, where's Allura?" He asked.

"I told her to take a day off. For once she actually agreed. She has been working pretty hard recently, I didn't want her to over exhaust herself." The man said while looking at Lance, and continued sweeping.

Lance nodded, "Well, tell her I said hi when she comes back. I haven't had a chance to speak to her in a while." The last time Lance had seen her was about a two weeks ago. Most wouldn't consider it that long, but as a regular who came in every few days, Lance thought it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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