Ch1. Come Alive

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A beautiful woman walks along the street looking around warily, she pulls her oversized coat closer to her body slightly, hoping it will help hide her face as she speeds walks towards her home

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A beautiful woman walks along the street looking around warily, she pulls her oversized coat closer to her body slightly, hoping it will help hide her face as she speeds walks towards her home.

She lets out a sigh as she reaches her small run-down house, knocking on the door as she waits for a few seconds, looking behind her in case someone is there before the door is thrown open and a worried looking Anne and WD Wheeler stand in front of her before the girl pulls her in, shutting the door behind them.

"Cela, what took you so long, we were worried," A distraught Anne asked as the brunette takes off her coat.

"There was a group of men in the way so I had to take the long route home, I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you both" Cela says to the two.

"It's fine Cela. Just ask one of us to come with you next time, Ok?" WD says wrapping an arm around Cela's shoulders. She smiles looking up at her big brother as Anne takes the bag from her and takes it to the kitchen taking out the milk she had just bought and put it away.

"I'll go and get supper started," The girl says taking her brother's arm from her shoulder and walking to the small kitchen where her sister is looking at a sheet of paper.

"Whats that?" Cela asks Anne, taking a pot out of the cabinet and turning on the stove to make soup.

"It's uh, a flyer. For a job" Anne says slightly hesitant.

Cela's eyes widen slightly as she walks over and takes the paper from Anne's hands.

"Wanted, Unique Persons and Curiosities? Are sure about this Anne, it seems like an exploit of people who don't fit in" The Brunette says unsure.

"Look, Cela, I know how difficult it is for you since the incident but this could be our chance!" Anne says excitedly as Cela winces at the memories that resurface but shakes her head pushing them to the back of her mind. Just then WD walks in and Cela turns to him holding the flyer.

"And what do you think of this?" She asks him raising an eyebrow.

"Actually I think its a great idea," He says sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

Cela sighs thinking it over for a few moments before giving in.

"Ok, but we have to be careful, alright?" She says sternly. Smiles cover both their faces as Anne runs to her and crushes her in a hug making her smile at her sister's happiness.

"Ok, now help me with supper," She says pulling away.


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