Ch 3. This Is Me

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Cela walks with the other oddities into the theater, wearing a beautiful baby blue dress, the only nice dress she actually owns, with a shawl that's a darker shade of blue and some white flats, she decided to leave her hair down in its natural cra...

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Cela walks with the other oddities into the theater, wearing a beautiful baby blue dress, the only nice dress she actually owns, with a shawl that's a darker shade of blue and some white flats, she decided to leave her hair down in its natural crazy curly style that makes her look even prettier and some light blue eyeshadow.  Barnum had told them to use the back entrance, although none of them know why but Cela has a fair idea.

"Hey guys follow me," Philip says, walking over to everyone, his eyes meet Cela's, he feels the air leave his lungs as he takes in her beauty feeling his heart beat faster as they smile at each other before Philip leads them behind a few rows of seats where they can see the stage but no one can see them, unless the people on the seats in front of them look back. Cela looks at the ground, knowing that Barnum doesn't want people seeing them.

Philip slips in-between Cela and Anne as the older girl glances at him smiling slightly, as the oddities talk to each other to pass the time.

As people finish taking their seats Barnum walks out on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience," He says nervously, looking around until his eyes meet Charity's who smiles and nods encouragingly at him.

"I recently had the privilege, of hearing the most divine voice, I've ever heard," He says to the crowd as Charity's smile slowly drops.

"Now I know that sounds like Barnum-humbug" He jokes "But I have a hundred bottles of champagne on ice, that say this isn't just another side-show novelty," He says and Cela knows that he's referring to her and the oddities.

"May I present, the Swedish Nightingale, Miss Jenny Lind," Barnum says walking off stage as the curtains open revealing Jenny standing there in a stunning white dress.

The music starts as Jenny looks around at all the people that came to hear her sing.

"I'm tryin' to hold my breath
Let it stay this way
Can't let this moment end
You set off a dream in me
Gettin' louder now
Can you hear it echoing?
Take my hand
Will you share this with me?
'Cause darling without you"

Cela feels Philips' hand graze hers, but she ignores the tingling feeling and continues to watch Jenny as she sings.

"All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough"

Philip grabs her hand and slips his fingers through hers, causing her heart to skip a beat as she wraps her small hand around his slightly larger one, their hands fitting together perfectly as a smile slips onto both of their faces.

What About Us {P. Carlyle}✔(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now