Ch 4. Rewrite the stars

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WARNING: There is mention of violence and blood in this chapter

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WARNING: There is mention of violence and blood in this chapter.

A few days after Barnum gave Cela the theater ticket the Wheeler sisters were in their small house, WD having left to go to the circus a while ago but the girls stayed at home because Anne wanted to help Cela get ready for the theater, which she is extremely excited for, judging by how she is literally bouncing in her seat.

"Calm down!" Anne says, laughing at her sisters' excitement.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited. I can't believe Barnum actually gave me a theater ticket" She says as Anne smiles, knowing what is really happening tonight.

"Did you look at the dress yet?" The younger sister asks, Anne had already seen the dress so she knows what color Cela's make-up should be, they both glance over at the bag that was hanging on the door so the dress wouldn't wrinkle.

"No, I'm afraid I'll ruin it if I take it out before I'm putting it on," She says looking at her self in the vanity mirror. Cela glances at the small clock hanging on the wall and realizes she only has an hour and a half to get ready

She turns to her younger sister with a half smile "Want to do my hair and make-up?" She asks knowing how much Anne loves doing her sister's hair and make-up, even if she wasn't going out, Anne would still ask to do it just to pass the time. Anne nods enthusiastically a bright smile lighting up her beautiful face.

"Of course I do" She exclaims, before running out of the room, coming back a few seconds later with all the make-up they have collected over the years, which isn't a lot, but still enough for them.

Anne starts doing her sister's eyeshadow as she asks her a question "So, whats going on between you and Philip?" She asks slyly.

Cela's eyes would have snapped open if her sister wasn't doing her make-up as she chokes slightly, stuttering.

"What? There's nothing going on between us" She says.

"Hmm, the bright blush on your cheeks says otherwise," Anne says, poking her sister's cheek as she laughs slightly, moving onto the other eye.

"Anne" Cela says sternly with a sigh, "I said it to you before, Ok? He cares too much about what other people think and even if he didn't, we would be looked down upon because of my skin. He already lost a lot because he took ten percent of the show if anything did happen between us he would lose everything" she says as Anne finishes on her other eye. Cela opens her eyes and looks at her younger sister and Anne can see the fear and sadness in her eyes.

"Cela, I don't think that's the only reason, is it because of what happened a few years ago, because of what they did?" She asks as Cela feels anger build up in her chest, but takes deep breathes, not wanting to snap at her sister.

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