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Yay! I finished rewriting the first chapter, and it is better than it was before! I hope you all enjoy.


"You remembered your schedule, right honey?" Mum called from the window of the car.

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "Yes mom! Thanks for reminding me anyway!"

She smiled and flashed me a thumbs up before driving off.

I turned and took a deep breath, walking towards the school I would spend yet another year at. Another year alone. With no friends.

Because yeah, that's basically my life.

I'm the typical book worm that tries so hard to make friends but would rather be lost in fantasy than staying in the crap that reality gives me.

Anyway, I continued to walk towards the school, one foot in front of the other. It was a new year which means a fresh beginning.

Haha, no. I've already tried that tactic each year and began to give up on any hope.

So I walked in the doors and kept my head down, trying not to get hit by any flying contraptions from the Engineering Club students.

My locker was on the second floor, so that's where I head.


I spun the knob and the locker door popped open. I stuffed my math books in and shut the door, spinning around in the process.

I checked the time.

The bell should ring any second no-


First period, here I come.


Three period later and I was standing at the door to my Advanced Chemistry class. Chemistry was not my favourite subject but I did enjoy it somewhat.

I took a breath and stepped in. The air immediately chilled and a shiver ran down my spine. Science classrooms were always cold.

I took a seat and checked my paper schedule again, making sure I was in the right class.

A girl with fizzy brown hair and a permanent bored face walked in and took the seat next to me. Two guys followed right behind her and sat at the table diagonally behind us to my left.

Peter, Ned, and Michelle. They were pretty cool in my opinion. Last year, Peter Parker kept running off randomly in the middle of class or during gym. Michelle and Ned would cover for him. He was a mystery kid.

Michelle was super chill and laid back. Her comebacks were freakishly amazing and fast, yet she was so calm all the time.

Ned was bigger than the rest. He was funny based on the comments he would make last year in class. He has this awesome Lego collection that most kids would kill to have.

If I could get friends, these guys would probably the first on my list.

The bell rang, interrupting my thoughts and the class settled down, taking their seats.

We sat in silence for a bit, waiting for the teacher to come in.

Peter and Ned got impatient and started to whisper. Michelle pulled out a book and read. I just waited there patiently for the teacher to arrive.

Some dude on the front row of the tables got up and threw his book at the whiteboard. We all stared as he got up and walked to the front of the classroom.

He turned to face us and I internally screamed. He was hot. Like, freakishly hot. He was wearing a simple blue button up and khaki joggers. Black rimmed glasses sat on his nose and brought out his electric blue eyes. His brown hair was ruffled in the effortless sexy way that made all girls swoon. Then there was the fact that you could tell he had muscles.

My breath hitched and I blinked. I had never seen him before and I knew everyone at this school.

You're probably wondering why I spent such a long time explaining the way this guy looked. The answer to that is everyone should know what this guy looked like. He was freakishly hot and everyone should see his face.

The dude clasped his hand together and smirked, looking right at me. "Today we're going to talk about me."

Michelle looked up from her book, stared the guy up and down, then went back to reading. "He's hot." She said calmly, loud enough for everyone to hear, including him.

The guy's eyes went from me to her, then swept across the rest of the class, still smirking.

"I'm your teacher, Mr. H." He said, taking a piece of chalk and writing his name in big letters on the board. "I'm the new Advanced Chemistry teacher."

My mind couldn't comprehend what I was witnessing. This guy was our age. Or he looked young enough to be anyway.

The new hot teacher spoke again, drawing the attention of all the girls in the room. "Now, let's have some fun." He smirked.


I walked in to lunch and immediately sat down at the farthest table in the corner. My lunch was already halfway unpacked when Peter, Michelle, and Ned came and sat down around me. "Hey." Michelle said.

I looked at all of them. Why were they sitting by me?

"Uh, hey guys. What are you doing?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow.

Ned spoke up. "We're your friends."

Michelle gave him a look. "You seemed friendless when I sat by you today."

"That's why we decided to adopt you." Peter said. His face turned red and he looked down. "I- I mean befriend you." He squeaked.

The people I wanted to hang around with were all sitting around me and telling me they wanted to be friends.

This year just looked a whole lot better.

"Sure, yeah, ok." I said. I opened up my lunch and so did the other.

Peter started to take his stuff out when his watch beeped a few times.

He looked down and tapped something on it. "Hey guys," he looked at us while standing up. "I gotta go. Aunt May is here to take me to Mr. Starks. It's an emergency."

Ned nodded and Michelle just rolled her eyes then waved him off.

Peter got up and ran out of the lunchroom.

"What was that all about?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ned took a bite of his sandwich, chewing slowly, then swallowing. "Peter has a Stark Internship," he explained. "He leaves school sometimes because of it."

I nodded. Michelle ate a celery stick and then said, "Yeah, he's constantly getting called out by Mr. Stark himself."

I was impressed. An internship with Mr. Stark. I wondered if he'd met any of the Avengers.

I sighed and kept eating. I wished I was a superhero. That would be cool.

But something was off about the whole internship thing, though. I couldn't quite place it, but something in the back of my mind was bugging me.

I pushed it away and kept eating, sitting with my new friends (minus Peter).

First day of school and I finally had friends. This was gonna be a good year.


Thanks for reading! Follow my Instagram for more updates @/quacksterholland

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