It Will Never Be Over

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Chapter Twenty Nine: It Will Never Be Over (XDarkXEnergy)

Edgar paused in grief, but slight happiness. "Well, after Edward and Lucifer left Annabeth and I to defeat the corrupted spirits, Almira and Theodisa took control of the situation; They defended us against the spirits, and therefore they had been granted permission to reside in heaven."

"W...what do you mean?" Murdoc stuttered, almost in tears.

Edgar sighed, then explained to Murdoc in the simplest of ways. "They're in heaven now, and they will not be coming back." He gulped, then wiped a tear that had begun to form in his left eye.

"I can't believe it." Murdoc said, finally, after processing the information for a while.

"I know." Annabeth reassured. "It is going to be hard to face the fact that they are officially dead, but we need to be happy that they are now at peace." She placed her right hand on Murdoc's left shoulder and consoled him. "But you still have us." Murdoc sighed, then looked up at his aunt, happily.

"Now, forget what I just said and listen to what I have to say." Annabeth continued, then took a long breath in, "I fucking hate you for ruining Evangeline's and 2D's moment!" She screamed.

"Anna!" Edgar shouted, surprised. "What have I told you about cursing?!"

"Sorry, Edgar." Annabeth apologized, bowing her head in shame. "But you used to always curse when Edward took the piss."

Edgar clenched his fists in anger. "Yes, Anna, but that was because he was a fucking, bossy sod, who never shut his fucking gob." He placed a hand over his mouth. "Pardon my language, my son." He looked at his grandson in embarrassment.

Murdoc tried his best to hide his laughing, but to no avail. "I've never heard you swear so much!" He exclaimed through loud sniggers.

Edgar shook his head, denying the fact he had cursed, then changed the subject. "Has that blasted army gone now?"

"No..." A voice came from behind them. "I'm afraid not, brother." It was Edward, in his ghostly form, floating above the quiet town, staring at the remaining band members of Gorillaz and Dark Angels.

"What the fuck?!" Edgar, Murdoc and Annabeth screamed together.

"Yes, my dearest family, I am back!" Edward declared. "Yes, our sisters managed to seal me in the their...seal, but I am still able to appear in this form, and curse you all!" He took in a deep breath, then began to enchant the town in an evil curse. "I curse upon all of you! Those who follow Murdoc Niccals, and those who follow Annabeth Vanhelsing, and my twin brother! I will forever stay with you, be there, haunt you, and watch you suffer. I will never leave until I get what I want: your death!" A black, swirling cloud appeared above Kong Studios, and it remained there while everyone retreated inside.

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