1. Parties Are Very Important (Just Go With It... It's Better For Your Health)

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"But Brother!" Skarlet whines. "Do we have to go home now?"

"Yes, it's getting late," I said. "You wouldn't want to worry mom and dad would you?"

"No," Skarlet said. "but I still want to play."

"We can tomorrow," I said. "Okay?"

Skarlet nodded her head. We start walking home from the park and almost make it to the house when I notice red and blue lights coming from the house. We run to the house and see a pale white-haired police officer and a pale red-haired doctor at the door talking.

I run up to them with Skarlet. "Hey! What's going on?" I asked.

The doctor looked at us and whispered something to the police officer. The doctor walked over to us and put his hand on our shoulders.

"Here you can have this." He said while handing us a chocolate bar.

"Thank you," we said while eating it.

"Do you two live here?" He asks

"Yes," I reply.

"Where have you been?"

"At the park," Skarlet replies. "It's so fun there."

"I'm sure it was," The doctor said. "I have bad news for the both of you."

"What is it?" I asked getting fearful.

"Your parents... they're dead."

Skarlet gasped.

"Me and this officer," The doctor said while gesturing to the police officer. "have planned to take you with us. Would that be alright with you?"

"Yes." We said.


Then I started feeling tired and dizzy and almost fell with The doctor catching me. I looked to Skarlet and saw the officer caught her then I passed out.

Then I woke up in sweat and saw that I was in my room. There was a knock on my door.

"Come In!" I yell.

The door opens and Skarlet's head peeked in.

"Hello, Brother!" Then she looked at me sadly. "Another Nightmare?"

"You read my mind."

"Of course, You worry me." She replies.

"I'm fine... Why are you here?"

"The others sent me to get you."

"Why," I ask.

"Because we are going to have a party!" Skarlet yelled shooting her hands into the sky.

"Wait! That's today?" I pushed her out of my room and quickly got changed.

I opened the door and I saw Skarlet standing there with her arms crossed with an annoyed look.

"You didn't have to push me out, you know. You could've just asked me to leave."

"Sorry," I reply.

"It's okay." She said with a sudden grin on her face.

She starts to skip towards the cafeteria with me following her. Then she accidentally trips and a pale blonde guy catches her.

"Hello, Beautiful."

"Krallen." She mumbles with her face being as red as her hair.

"I'd hate to ruin your lovebird moment," I said while smirking teasingly at Skarlet. "But I and my Sister need to meet up with our friends for a party."

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