Coming Out of the Closet

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Mike Wazowski stood with his round back leaned against the brick wall of a tall apartment building. It was an area Mike knew all too well. It was where he had once lived with his best friend, Sully, who was replaced by his lovely wife Celia, yet it felt like Sullivan never really left. Wazowski lowered his sunglass covered eye to look at his watch. He was early.

Mike reached into the pockets of his trenchcoat and pulled out his vape. He would have to find a way to kill a few hours, before he confronted his true love...

The snakes in Celia's hair let out a shriek of pleasure and relief as Sully sprayed his white, foamy cream all over.

"Aww nards!" Sully said, "I covered you in my cream. Sorry Celia." The snakes in Celia's hair lapped the white liquid up with their forked tones.

"Oh Sully," Celia cried, "it doesn't matter to me, my babies and I love the taste of your cream." Sully nodded. It was true, he was a master of all dairy products. He raised his own cows and milked them by hand. He then used their milk to make his famous creams and yogurts.

Sully began to put away his gigantic 12 inch creamer. "It's never as fun to cream without you here to help me." Sully gingerly said.

Celia put her hand on the side of Sully's face, "Yes my sweet, I just love to come over here when Mike is gone and help you make cream. Also I like it when we make love."

Sully hushed Celia by putting a finger to her lips, "Quiet darling, you know we must keep our love a secret, if Mike knew it would break his heart."

"I don't care anymore Sully, me and my darlings love you, but no longer Michael."

"I know Celia, but I can't do that to Mike right now, he's my best friend, I don't want to hurt him," Sully grabbed his coat off the coat hanger and put his hand on the door handle, "I should go before Mike gets back, I'll see you again, I promise."

Celia smiled, "I know, I will wait for you forever." With one last longing look at his love, Sully opened the door and stepped out, leaving Celia alone in wait of her regrettable husband's return.

Sully opened the door of the apartment building slowly, looking quickly left and right before walking into the late-afternoon air. He had only taken a few steps down the street when he heard a familiar voice.

"So Sullivan, how's my Schmoopsie-poo doing?" Mike Wazowski stepped out of the shadow cast by the apartment building, dressed in a black coat with a sunglass.

Sully instantly panicked, "Oh um- h-hey Mike, I um, I t-thought you were working right now, but um- you know."

"Ayyy Sullivan, what's wrong?" Mike continued to step forward, "Big monster like you shouldn't be scared." Sully took a step back toward the busy street.

"Well, Mike..." Sully couldn't find the words. He just took another step back, shaking in fear.

Mike Wazowski shook his head, "Kitty got your tongue, Sullivan?"

Sully looked like he got slapped. His fear quickly turned into a sharp anger, "Listen hear Mike-"

"Shut up!" Wazowski said, suddenly losing his cool, "You've been a real problem lately Sullivan. Ever since Boo joined ISIS you're out of control! Not showing up to work, not talking to me! I was worried about you, until I found out why..."

Sully's face was now full of rage, "DON'T TALK ABOUT HER TOO ME! You don't know what that's like, to watch a child you love fall into the trap of ISIS! You weren't there for me, no one was, except for Celia. I'm sorry Mike but I love her, and she loves me. I don't want to hurt you, but I need her, and to be quite honest she doesn't need you."

Now it was Mike's turn to get angry, "You think this is about Celia! I should have left that snake haired thot years ago. I don't love her Sullivan, I love you!" Mike Wazowski ripped off his coat and sunglass, revealing a super hot bod.

"You know, I've always wondered," Mike said as he walked closer to Sully, taking the blue creature in his embrace, "What does the P. in James P. Sullivan stand for?" Wazowski trust himself upon Sully, pushing him onto the ground in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Mike, no, this is wrong," Sully resisted, pushing the green ball of passion off of him. Mike looked hurt, but not discouraged.

"Come on Sully, we've always been more than friends. Let's make some cream together." Mike leapt forward again. Sully, acting quickly, reached into his pants and pulled out his gigantic creamer. He quickly stuck it into Michael's mouth. Mike let out a soft moan, and pushed the creamer deeper into his own throat.

"No... Mike..." Sully warned in a whimpering voice, "I.. I..." Sully shuddered as he felt his creamer explode deep within Mike's throat. The green creature was shot off like a rocket into the middle of the street, white foamy cream dripping from his mouth.

Mike lay there for a minute. Through his ringing ears he could hear Sullivan yelling, and through his blurry vision he could see a bright light quickly approaching. The last thing Mike Wazowski heard before the approaching car took his life was the sound of Sully's voice, yelling Mike's name.

Sully ran back up the stairs of Celia's apartment building, tears in his eyes. He broke down the door to the apartment yelling and calling out for Celia to come quick. What he saw when he entered the living room made him silent.

Standing there, holding an Walmart bought AR-15 to the head of a kneeling Celia, was a girl in a pink shirt and pigtails, surrounded by dozens of ISIS operatives pouring out of the bedroom closet. "Hey Kitty," she said with a smile, "you look a little frightened." Sully fell to his knees, to Shook to stand up. The girl's smile widened, "Boo!"

The End.

The Story Continues in 'Smash and Dash'

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