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Ryan: hey Bren, hyd?

Ryan: wanna come over later? My parents aren't home ;)

Ryan: you okay babe? Why aren't you responding?

Ryan: uhhh.. hey, get back to me whenever.. please?

Ryan sent a couple text messages to his unresponsive boyfriend every couple hours, unsure why he wasn't responding. Then he decided to call Spencer, who was likely the last person Ryan knew who had spoken to or seen Brendon. He was getting a bit concerned, due to the fact that Brendon was usually quick to reply, as he'd learned in the time they'd been together. This was strange and unusual to him.

"Hey Ry," Spencer greeted him as he answered the phone.

"Hey dude, have you seen Brendon?" He asked, probably being much too paranoid for his own good.

"No... why?" Spencer said.

"I dunno man, he's just not answering my texts or calls or whatever- I'm probably just being paranoid or obsessive," Ryan laughed nervously.

"Well, I'll let you know if I see him," Spencer said, hanging up the phone and looking over to a sleeping Brendon. He felt bad for lying, and for letting his best friends boyfriend stay over, but then again, he would have felt bad if he'd made him walk home that late at night as well, and anyways it's not like anything happened.. sort of.

Spencer had stupidly dared Brendon to kiss him, which he had declined. They had spent the remaining time together talking before Brendon said he was getting tired and Spencer offered to let him stay over with permission from his mom. Brendon said that he would, but only if he slept in a separate room on the couch, which he did. Now it was morning and Ryan was worried about him, and Spencer had to try and convince him not to let Ryan know that he's spent the night- Ryan would be absolutely heart broken. He didn't want that to happen, so he let Brendon sleep, and once he woke up, he'd apologize to Brendon and tell him not to tell Ryan about any of the events from the night before, especially not the kiss Dare..

Brendon shifted on the couch and Spencer flinched, not wanting him to wake up quite yet. The man sleeping on the couch moved an inch, his hand falling over the edge and Spencer sighed in relief that he had not yet woken up.

Ryan: I'm gonna come over Spence, I need you to reassure me I'm just being a paranoid schoolboy and he's not avoiding me.

Spencer: maybe he's just sleeping?

Ryan: wouldn't he have heard the phone ring?

Ryan: also he's a morning person, he'd be awake by now.

Spencer: idk what to tell you

Ryan: I'm coming over

"Shit.." Spencer muttered to himself, he needed to get Brendon out before Ryan arrived.

"Bre-" Spencer started before realizing the man was already sitting up, looking around with a confused look spread across his face.

"Where am-" Brendon's eyes landed on Spencer, "why am I-" he couldn't finish his sentences, but Spencer understood every phrase.

"Brendon it's okay, calm dow-"

"Oh my god did we??" He looked down at himself in horror, but took a deep breath realizing he was fully clothed and all that good stuff.

"No, we didn't, nothing happened, absolutely nothing," Spencer told him, "but you need to leave because Ryan doesn't know you stayed the night and he's coming over here- soon."

"Uh.. what?"

"You cannot be seen by Ryan- not at my house at least," Spencer tried to rephrase his words, "so you have to use the back door," he pointed to a door on the opposite side of the house.

"Why can't he see me?" Brendon asked.

"Because! Just tell him your phone broke or something! Make something up!!" Spencer begged of him.

"I can't lie to him!" Brendon argued.

"Okay then just tell him you were asleep, it's not a lie." Spencer said.

"Okay- fine, but you have to promise never- NEVER to pull what you did last night, never again."

"Deal," Spencer said, still regretting everything that he had done the night before, even just the thought of what he'd wanted to do or say to Brendon made him feel sick.

"Just go!" Spencer demanded once more, and Brendon tossed the blanket that was thrown over him in sleep to the floor and left the house around the back as Spencer had told him to do. He left and mere moments later, Ryan appeared at Spencer's front door, luckily never seeing his boyfriend sneaking out the back door of his best friends house.

Sorry its been so long and took me so long to update, I've been kinda busy.

Also sorry it's so short oops

Well, I hope you enjoy this!! Hopefully this story gets as much attention as Cheers did!!

Idk what else to say umm

OH YEAH!! QOTD!! What social media platform do you use most often? (Apparently I don't use this one most BC I HAVENT FUCKING BEWN UPDATING UGHH)

I'll just leave it here, go check out my new YouTube video (will be uploaded every Tuesday)


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