The meeting

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"All rights reserved on this book and its all our work , any name or incident related to anyone or anything is purely coincidental. No violation of our rights will be tolerated."

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P.O.V (Alice Osborne)

I opened my eyes just to feel the sun's bright , warm rays on my face and immediately scrunched my eyes again. I snatched the pillow from under my head and let my head fall back on to the hard hostel bed , and pressed my face into the pillow , muffling my soft moan.

I turned my head to my right and smiled to myself , Femy lay curled to herself , her hair splayed all over the pillow , occupying only a quarter of the bed. The smle quickly left my face when I though of my morning ritual , I turned my head to my left and my eyes met jessica's open eyes.

"How long have you been awake ?" I whispered. "A little while." she whispered back. "Well , good morning." I said , my voice harsh and husky from the morning. Jessica grimaced. " The mornings' never good if we have to wake up early." "True" I mused.

My eyes trailed towards Femy's sleeping form and Jessica followed my line of sight. A quick grin up her beautiful russian features , and a smile made its way to my mouth , despite the situation. I laughed and jumped to my feet , "Come , My lady , give me your aid in performing this horrendous task!" I declared dramatically. Jess smirked and muttered " There's nothing funny about poking a sleeping dragon in the eye." I laughed , but not for long.


"C'mon girlie , wake up! up! up!" I grunted. Jess resorted to putting her head in her hand , nodding off to sleep and , poking Femy , once in a while. One solid hour had passed and we still had no success in waking her up. Well , it wasn't as if we hadn't expected it.

Femy never woke up in the morning , infact I'm sure if she had it her way , she would sleep late into the evening , and that's the reason why we wake up at 5:30 every day , and once she wakes up (shudders) . My mind goes back to that fatefull day , 3 years ago , when we didn't know that Femy needed to be woken up early.

We were all freshman , and  I had arrived very late to the hostel and all I caught about my roommates were a fleeting glimpse of their sleeping forms , before I shut my eyes , exhausted from the 3 hour journey in the scorching heat. I even forgot to put my alarm.

Next morning , I was woken up the girl that I had seen sleeping on the bed on my left. She has beautiful features , that's what I noticed. There was nothing extra-ordinary about her , but her features were perfect , just right and her skin was so clear , and so much in contrast with mine , which was covered in freckles.

She had long wavy hair and blue eyes which weren't exactly blue either , a bit like sea-green , an unusual colour and her lips were moving , and I realised with a jolt that she was speaking to me and I rubbed my bleary eyes and listened to her. "We are late , really late!" You really need to get up. School starts at 7:30 and its' already 7." "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry." I exclaimed , "I didn't set  my alarm up as I arrived late."

"I had set the alarm at 6:15 , but I slept right through it." she replied with a sheepish smile , "I guess we need to wake her up too , huh ?" , she said while nodding in the sleeping girl's direction. "Yeah" , i replied , "C'mon!" We both went over to the other girl's bed and tried waking her up , prodding her , shaking her and smacking her to no avail. "You think she's dead ?" I asked , smiling nervously. "Nah , she's still breathing." she replied , smiling , and then looked at her watch , "Holy crow! Its' 7:30 already!" , she whimpered.

"there's only one thing to do." she muttered and went to the bathroom and came back , carrying a bucket of water. My eyes widened in realisation and before I could even open my mouth to stop her , she had thrown all the water into the sleeping girl's form. What happened next was a hell of a surprise for both of us!

The sleeping girl jolted up real fast and let out a shrill scream , startling us. The little water that was left in the blond girls hands toppled backwards , dousing us in freezing cold water. And me , being the clumsy oaf that I am , slipped on the floor and did something like a sommersault in the air and landed right on my butt.

They both stared at me for a moment and then the sleeping girl erupted in a fit of giggles while my blond friend went into a full blown laughter and even I allowed myself a sheepish grin. "" , Blondie gasped between fits of laughter. "We might as well dry the sheets and wipe the floor." , I said. "Oh! It's all my fault , I'm so sorry. I'm such a heavy sleeper and I'm normally soooo cranky when I'm woken up and when I saw you lying there....your face looked so....comical! I just...." The sleeping beauty erupted in giggles again , muffling her giggles with  her hands.

"So glad , my roommates take such joy in my misfortune." I mock scowled. They both laughed. 'C'mon , we need to get these sheets dried." We worked fast and in silence , except for the few times , when both started smiling , no doubt , thinking about my clasic fall while I observed the other girl.

She was kind of petite with waist length light brown hair with natural blonde highlights and quiet warm brown eyes. She had a pale face with a small scattering of freckles on the bridge of her nose and had full pink lips.

By the time we finished , it was already a quarter to 9. We made our way to the school reception and asked for our time-tables. The secretary raised an eyebrow at our tardiness and gave us our timetables and motioned towards the principal's office , " You have to see the principal , as your late for your first day." I groaned inwardly and knocked on the principal's door , followed by a grimacing blonde and a repentant brunette.

"Come in" , a cool voice said and we went in. Mrs. Grayling , The headmistress of Garcia International , Dubai , was the epitome of perfection and elegance. She had not a single hair out of place nor anything unaccounted for. She had a penetrating stare which made you think that she had uncovered all your secrets and now , we found ourselves subjected to the infamous stare.

"By your state , I assume your late ?" " Yes , Mrs.Grayling." ,We murmured , looking at our feet. "And I'm, sure your well aware that class starts at 7:30 ?" "Yes , Mrs.Grayling." 'Then , why children, are you late on your first day ?" "It was my fault , Mrs.Grayling. I over-slept and they had a really hard time waking me up and then I dropped a whole lot of water on the floor and they were helping me clean it up. Please don't be angry at them." My brunetter roommate burst out.

Mrs.Grayling smiled , amused at the brunette's little rant."I am not angry at anyone , Ms.Torres.You are excused , but try not to be late next time. And you should get going , you are already late enough as it is. We went out the door and faced each other. "Thanks , you din't have to take all the blame. We're just as much to blame as you." I told my brunette friend , while the other girl nodded.

"It'okay , besides its more of my fault." , she replied , smiling at us. I , realised then , not for the first time , that we didn't know each other's names. As if hearing my thoughts , the brunette exclaimed , " Isn't it funny that , though we've been through all this , we don't know each others names. I'm Femy Torres....Freshman!" "I'm Jessica Ivans" , the beautiful blonde said , smiling warmly , "freshman." "And , I'm Alice Osborne" I said , grinning widely at my two new friends , "freshman!"

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