**how was the previous lesson?
so from now on, in not going to write the romanization!!
~~~~앤드류가 집에서 점심을 먹어요-
“Andrew home-at lunch eats”
앤드류가 점심을 잡에서 먹어요-
“Andrew lunch home-at eats”
집에서 앤드류가 점심을 먹어요-
“Home-at Andrew lunch eats”
집에서 점심을 앤드료가 먹어요-
“Home-at lunch Andrew eats”
점심을 앤드류가 집에서 먹어요-
“Lunch Andrew home-at eats”
점심을 딥에서 앤드류가 먹어요-
“Lunch home-at Andrew eats”
lThe fact that Korean nouns can be freely arranged differs from English, since the English word order typically determines grammatical relation-ships. The word order affects the Korean language only when certain particles are missing in given sentences (often during the colloquial usages).Meanwhile, for delimiting the meaning of the nouns, the tone is often used in English. In Korean, however, the changing word orders (e.g., mov-ing the important elements near the verb and less essential elements to the front of the sentence) or using the special particles (e.g., topic particle /) delimit the meanings of nouns.
Korean Lesson for U!
NezařaditelnéHello Kpop Addicts!! Want to learn Korean? Please read this! Update very soon!!#