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"Let her go".He said as flames floated on his palms.She glared at him but it soon changed into a grin."Oh Yoongi!Long time no see".She waved."Disrespectful as always".Yoongi started throwing punches of fire.If she wasnt skilled,she would probably be roasted.

She easily dodged his every attack."Is that all you got?".She scoffed which boiled Yoongi's blood.He glared at her.He placed two fingers besides his mouth and blew out fire.She held her hands infront of her to dodge but she wasnt quick.The flames burnt her pale skin.

Seulgi cursed and sent arrows of ice.Before it could reach Yoongi,they vanished into thin air."The heck!".She felt a breeze behind her.She looked back and found Yeri gone.She looked back ahead and saw Jimin carrying her in his arms.

Her face lit up."My!Handsome as always".She started to act all girly while Yoongi and Jimin looked at her with a disgusted face.

"Hi Jimin".She waved happily.He clicked his tongue."How have you been?".She asked while smiling genuinely."I was doing fine until I saw you".He rolled his eyes."Now dont be like that~".She pouted.

Yoongi was getting sick with their conversation so he took this chance to create a ring of fire around Jimin and him."No wait!".Seulgi shouted but when the flames vanished there was no sight of them."I still wanted to talk with him".She stomped her foot and left.

"I am sorry ma'm but we have been told to evacuate".He tried to move her but she would not budge."No!I am not leaving!This is my home!".The old woman shouted as she cried."I know but please understand".He pleaded but it didnt work.

"Cant we just leave her?".A girl in a pony tail said coldly."You are not helping".He said through gritted teeth."Whatever".She began walking away."Sooyoung!".He called out as she kept walking.He took a deep breath and looked at the woman."I am sorry".He pressed her neck and she fainted.

He followed Sooyoung while carrying the woman."Hey...".She called out."Yeah?".He asked."Do you think that...he came as well?".She looked at him."I dont know".He patted her shoulder.She nodded and fighted back the tears that were forming.

"They left.Meeting at the quarters,Namjoon's order".He heard a voice in his head."Roger that".He sighed in relief."Dont act like an old man seokjin".Sooyoung scoffed."This attack was nothing compared to what they can do".He only rolled his eyes because he was used to her behaviour.

She used to be the happy virus among the team but she changed when he left.Sooyoung and him knew each other since childhood.He promised her that when he grows up,he will protect the land and her with his life.But when he did grew up,he turned into a traitor.He stabbed her on the back and became a rogue.Since then she has been like this.
Yeri was sitting outside fidgeting with her fingers while they were having a meeting inside.She was now all healed up.Yeri still didnt wanted to believe this was all real.How did she even end up here?

The door opened and many girls and boys came out wearing different clothes and carrying different weapons.Some of them even looked down on her.What the hell is their problem?".She glared at them because it was really irritating.

"Come on Yeri,Namjoon is calling".Jimin held out a hand.She nodded and walked inside ignoring his hand.She chuckled at being rejected and went inside.Namjoon looked at Yeri and raised an eyebrow.Jimin shrugged.

"Have a seat".Namjoon gestured.
Yeri felt a strong aura coming from him.She bowed and sat down."Yerim right?".She nodded."I am Namjoon".He held out a hand.She took it and they shook hands.Jimin felt hurt how she rejected him even after he saved her and accepted Namjoon's hand.

"Now as we all know you are definetely not from here so...where exactly did you come from?".He asked with a serious face.She gulped."I....".

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