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Irene looked through the crowd to find Yoongi staring into space.She sighed and went to him."Come on".She tried to make him stand up but he didnt move a muscle."Why?".He asked with a poker face.

"Why?Because its a party and you are suppose to enjoy it not just sit around".She tried again but failed."I am enjoying it".He shrugged."You are?Then atleast smile".She lifted his mouth up to make him smile.

"I am internally smiling".He stated.She scoffed in disbelieve.Irene looked around and an idea came to her mind."Hey lets dance".She suggested."No".He shook his head."Why not?Everyone is.Even Yeri is dancing".She pointed.

Yoongi frowned."Why with him?".He stood.He knew Jungkook was with Taehyung which means he isnt to be trusted."Dont even think of ruining their moment".Irene blocked his way.She grabbed his hand."Lets dance".She pulled him.

"I said no".".Why not?".Yoongi took a deep breath."Because I never danced before".He said in a whisper."Thats it?I will teach you.Come on"."Irene no".He protested but she finally managed to drag him along with her.

Sooyoung watched Yoongi and Irene smiling and blushing."Why cant I be happy too?".She sighed.She flinched when she felt someone sniffing her hair."What th-".She froze when she saw Taehyung standing right behind her.

She felt herself heating up.She immediately got up to leave but he grabbed her wrist."You have to hear me out.".He pulled her close."Taehyung I-".

"I am sorry".He cut her off.She looked up to see mixture of emotions in his eyes."You dont have to forgive me since I hurt you so much but I want you to know I am really sorry".

She was speechless and all she could do was stare at him.After some seconds tears started to fall down her cheeks.He frowned as he brought up his hand and wiped her tears."Dont".Taehyung squeezed her hand while he pecked it.

Namjoon sat quiet eyeing the crowd."Everyone is here".He felt happy to watch everyone together as one.He always thougt that if he were to be the king,he would make peace in the whole to finish wars.

"Feeling lonely are you?".Seokjin took a seat beside him."Not at all".He replied."Just thinking...".Namjoon trailed off.Seokjin's face became serious."Its only a matter of time someone finde her and wakes her up.We have get the last piece".Namjoon nodded.

"I am so glad to be here among all of you".A loud voice made everyone look at her."I really hope you all are enjoying yourselves".Taeyeon raised a glass in the air.The crowd cheered in response.She smiled and looked at everyone

."Thank you for inviting me.I am honoured".She bowed as everyone appluad."And another thing.I want to-".She froze when her eyes landed on someone.

"".She came close with a huge shock on her face."Noona?".Taehyung asked worried."Taehyung you found her!?".Taeyeon cupped Yeri's face.Yeri became confused at what was going on.The whole room was quiet as they all were confused as well.

"Noona what do you mean?Found who?".He moved closer."Your sister Taehyung!You found her!".She pulled Yeri into a hug shocking everyone."My sister?".

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