Dating The Dare Devil

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"Sara, please don't do this!" Nicole begged as she ran after me, her kitten heels clicking annoyingly against the metal flooring of the garage. I rolled my eyes and continued to make my way toward the motorbike. It gleamed in the buzzing lights of the garage, the glossy black paint looking deadly against the shiny silver of the handlebars. I traced the smooth surface of the bike and felt a buzz of excitement run through me; I had been waiting for this motorbike for weeks.

"Miss Ashton?" A gruff voice asked behind me. I turned to see Paul, the local mechanic holding a pair of keys out to me. His blue uniform was stained with oil and I noticed he had some crumbs in his grey beard. I smirked and took the keys from him; I positioned myself on the bike, flexing the clutch in my hands. I let out a gasp of air as I readjusted myself on the seat, it felt powerful and thrilling sitting on such a powerful machine.

"Thanks Paul." I called as he walked away muttering something like 'deathtrap' under his breath. I took the bike by the handlebars and dragged it outside, careful not to scratch the new paint job. The cool night air greeted me and lifted my hair from my shoulders. I took a quick glance around central park, the statue of liberty casting a green light over the damp pavements.

"Sara! This is bad! You don't know how to drive a motorbike!" Nicole cried desperately as I climbed onto the bike. I sank into the leather seat and lifted off the safety. I straightened my leather jacket and let my long hair fan out behind me. "Sara!"

"Nicole! Relax! Live a little!" I scoffed before gunning the engine. Nicole took a step backwards as if the motorbike was a beast.

Nicole was my only friend here in New York, not that I was complaining but we had nothing in common. She spent most of her time commenting on how all the boys she had gone out with had six packs and that Chanel was much better than Prada. I on the other hand only cared about one thing; all I ever wanted was to feel a thrill. A thrill from doing something crazy, it was the only thing I craved. I was an adrenaline junkie, which is why I only have one friend, no one else could put up with my devilish ways.

"This is crazy! You're going to get yourself killed!" Nicole shrieked, her arms flapping around madly. I smirked at her before glancing back at the road; my heart was hammering against my rib cage at the thought of zooming down the glossy black roads and just driving with no direction or no plan.

"Maybe!" I whopped before pressing the clutch down.

The speed of the motorbike took my breath away, I wasn't driving, and I was flying. The trees blurred around me as I drove faster. The bike was like a dog on a lead, it followed my every movement, swerving around cars and zipping through traffic lights before anyone had a chance to blink. I smiled as my hair flew behind me, the cold air nipping playfully at my nose and cheeks. I had never felt such freedom, such power; I felt as if nothing could get in my way, nothing could stop me.

That was until a mini cooper appeared out of nowhere.

I flew through the air and landed on the floor with a heavy thud. The impact knocked the air out of me and I heard a loud crunch as my arm landed oddly on the floor. I let out a small cry as I tried unsuccessfully to get up. I landed back on the floor with a groan; I was like Bambi trying to walk on ice. I felt a warm liquid beneath my fingers and I looked down to see a pool of red. My head began spinning and my heart pounded in my ears.

"Well, this wasn't part of the plan." I muttered before everything went black.

* * * * *

"You can take your sling off after two weeks, you have minor concussion but you're very lucky!" The doctor sighed, tightening the white sling around my shoulder and arm. The stupid driver that had come out of nowhere had called an ambulance; I was unconscious which didn't give me a chance to tell them not to ring my parents, not that they would even turn up.

"Thanks Doctor." My brother Matthew said stiffly. I scrunched my nose at the doctor as she gave me another disapproving stare before walking out the room. Matthew turned to me and ran a hand through his shaggy blond hair.

"You know what they say, practice makes perfect!" I laughed, trying to lighten the situation.

"You are never going on that bike ever again!" Matthew roared. His eyes were livid. I flinched and looked down at my feet, Matthew never got mad, and he was used to me doing crazy stuff like this.

"Come on Mattie-" I began but he cut me off.

"No! You've taken this too far Sara!" Matthew bellowed and his face red with anger. "Why do you do this Sara? Why?"

I had never told anyone why I was an adrenaline junkie, obviously people asked me, normally I replied with "I like the thrill." or "You only live once." and yes that was true. But the real reason I crazy things like drive a motorbike or cliff diving is because I want my parents to notice me. The thing about my family is, if it's not perfect it doesn't matter. And I was definitely not what they considered perfect, unlike my brother Matthew. Matthew was the golden boy of the school, head boy; captain of the basketball team, high school was his kingdom. He was going to Oxford University next September, with a full scholarship. I on the other hand have barley passed my GSCE's.

"I thought it would be fun." I shrugged, Matthews blue eyes darkened and he took a step towards me.

"That's it! You're going to live with your Auntie and Uncle in Australia!" A voice sighed; I turned around to see Mum and Dad standing in the doorway. Mum's lips were tight and her posture withdrawn, Dad looked furious and the veins in his temple were throbbing.

"What?" I laughed and raised my eyebrows.

"We will not have you disgracing this family anymore!" Mum shrieked. I felt a pang of hurt which felt like a knife in my heart. I took a deep breath and painted a smirk on my face, a smirk I knew she hated.

"Whatever, you can't send me to Australia! I need to finish school." I snickered.

"You can finish it in Australia, Louisa and David has agreed to have you, God knows why!" Dad said his voice indifferent. I looked at my Mum and Dad, they didn't even care, and they just wanted to get rid of me.

"Can we not give her another chance?" Matthew asked behind me, I looked at him to see he was shifting uncomfortably.

"She's had enough chances." Mum sniffed, looking at me as if I were a piece of dirt on her shoe.

"I don't get a say in this?" I gasped a feeling of dread in my stomach.

"No, you're going to Australia and that's final." Dad said before turning around and walking out of the room, Mum close at his heels.

I was being shipped to Australia, and there was nothing I could do about it.

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