Chapter 5

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Kyas Pov

Kya layed beside Fuli and Tameka as they watched the African Dogs roam beside the Hyenas.

"There they are" Fuli whispered as Kya spotted Kion and the others approaching the Guarding African Dogs.

"Alright when they take out the guards we attack" Tameka whispered as Kya nodded standing up and looking at Kamadia who was floating in the air with Ono, Tamaa and Lulu.

"Now!" Fuli shouted as Kya lept forward slamming into a African Dog and she growled. "What are you doing!" He growled throwing her off.

"Rescuing my Family what do you think Tuno" Kya headbutted him into Beshte who slammed him into the rocks. "Nice one Kya" He smiled as Veski wagged her tail and kicked a hyena to the side as Ono and Lulu knocked a hyena out with their heads.

"Lulu I never knew you were good at fighting" Ono chirped as the bird nodded. "I've been practicing" she added flying off as Kya let off a low growl at the guard hyena and he whimpered and ran off.

"Jeez Kion, you were right when you said these hyenas are scaredy cats" Nsia added squeezing a hyena with her trunk and throwing it away. "Aren't they always scaredy cats?" Bunga added pushing a hyena to Akuchi who smacked it away.

"By always means all the time, ALL the time" Fuli called jumping onto a rock next to Kya who chuckled. "I'm guessing it must be easy kicking these guys out of the Pridelands every day" the african dog added.

"It's more like a chore at this point" Beshte added with Tameka on his back. "I never get this much excitement done In a day usually" The genet added leaping down from the hippos back as the rest of the group came over.

"We chased them up, over and right out of here" Nyah snorted stomping his hoof on the ground as Mosi nudged him. "See I told you, it was fun wasn't it?" She said smirking as Nyah rolled his eyes.

"I'll go and find my siblings" Nyah said running off in the direction of the cave as Nsia flicked her tail while standing next to Beshte, "Hey Nsia, you Akuchi and Siti want to go to Big Springs?" The hippo asked as the elephant honked.

"I haven't been to Big Springs in a long time, let's go!" Akuchi added following the group off,

"Then I suppose we will go back to the lair for a while." Bunga added sitting down as Tabia picked him up. "Hey Tabia! Quit it!" He yelled as the Gazelle laughed and flipped him over.

"Not a chance" She snorted as Fuli snorted as well. "Bunga, your really losing your touch if Tabia is using you as a toy" The Cheetah laughed as Bunga grumbled as Kya came back over with her siblings.

"Kion, Fuli, Ono, Bunga this is Amare, Ayo and Lesedi my brothers and sister" Kya explained as the three African Dogs dipped their heads. "Nice to meet you guys" Kion said smiling as Kamadia landed next to Lulu as Eshe and the other animals trotted over.


Mosi layed with Nyah as Lesedi stretched herself on a rock in the lair. "Of course we aren't going to live here, we will find a home eventually" Kya suggested as Nyah snorted.

"I need my space to sleep anyways" He whispered as Fuli ran over. "You sound like me when I sleep next to a snoring Honey Badger" She laughed as Nyah sighed and turned around.

"Ugh! You've gotta lighten up more often bro!" Mosi yelled getting up as Nyah rolled his eyes, "Hey Mosi! Beshte said he would meet us at the mud baths, you coming?" Ono asked flying over as Mosi leapt off.

"I would love to! Lesedi! Do you want to come with us?" The rhino asked as the african dog got up and nodded. "Yeah! I always wanted a mud bath!" She yelled running after Mosi who had ran out of the lair.

Ahahahaha! It's back!
Sorry I haven't updated this in such a long time I've been working on other books lol

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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