Chapter 4

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The animals walked across the Outlands towards Janjas territory.

"When will we be there!" Siti moaned as Kamadia and Ono looked at each other.

"You realise Siti your just as bad as Makuu" Fuli smirked as Siti huffed.

"Think Positive Siti" Beshte added as Tabiayawned. "Does anyone even know where this cave is?" Eshe asked flicking her ears.

"I do" a African Dog called from a rock. "Who are you?" Kion asked as Tabia stood next to him.

"Names Kya used to live with a pack until they sided with Janja the Jackals and Vultures." Kya smiled.

"I've been trying to take them out for ages but nothings worked." The dog sighed.

"We take them out all the time its easy!" Bunga added as Mosi sighed. "Its not as easy if your own your own Bunga" The rhino snorted nudging the Honey Badger away.

"Anyways i know a way into Janjas territory but its heavily guarded by my pack-" Kya was cut off by Siti.

"Well we can just rush on in there and knock em out of the way" he smiled as Kamadia and Ono looked at each other again.

"I was just about to say that i have a sister and 2 brothers there that we need to save they have wanted to leave but were stopped by that animal thats leading the hyenas" Kya explained as Kion nodded.

"Listen up, Kya will take us to where her brothers and sister are and we'll progress from there." he explained as Mosi reared up.

"I've been waiting for this" She roared as Nyah smiled.

"Hey guys!" a Elephant and a Crocodile ran up to them "Akuchi! Nsia! You actually made it!" Creek smiled as Kion nodded turning to Kya.

"Now that everyones here i'll lead on" Kya yipped as two Drongos flew down from the sky.

"Greetings Lion Guard, Kamadia came to me asking me to come and I did along with my Drongo friend Lulu" Tamaa chirped as Lulu smiled.

"That's good we need all the help from the air we can get" Kion added as Ono and Kamadia sat by Tamaa and Lulu, "Okay everyone heres the plan Fuli, Tameka you will go up the ledge with Kya and find her brothers and sister, Beshte, Nsia , Akuchi, Siti, Bunga you will all go take out the ones on the side, Ono, Tamaa, Lulu, Kamadia, you all go for a sky attack, Me, Tabia, Eshe, Mosi, Nyah, Farai and Jasiri will attack from the front" Kion explained as Fuli, Kya, and Tameka slowly crept up the ledge.

The Lion Guard: Attack From The OutlandsWhere stories live. Discover now