Chapter 9: Stealth Strike

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Chapter 9: Stealth Strike

A Rebel cruiser flew through hyperspace with Commander Sato in the captain's chair, Ezra on the coordinates, Mako standing next to Sato and a few Rebels on the controls as well, "We'll be arriving in the Dales system any moment." a pilot states and Ezra turns to them, "Well, we're coming up on the last known location of our patrol, but I already check the star charts, there's nothing out here." Ezra informs them. Sato gave him a stern look. "That's just it Ezra, if there's nothing out here then how did our entire patrol just suddenly up and vanish into thin air," Mako asks him, he looks at her and crosses his arms. "Good point, then that means there's something out here," he mutters.

"When Captain Sedullya said you both volunteered for this mission, she said you two can be helpful. Let us hope she is right." he throws at them and Ezra rolls his eyes. Mako sighs and closes her eyes. But then they felt something pulling at them, making them both walk over to the front as the pull was stronger. "Something's wrong," Mako mutters. "Something's about to happen." Ezra mutters as well and the ship suddenly shook, "Commander, we've lost the hyperdrive control." a pilot informs him. "Emergency positions." Sato orders him as Ezra went back to his chair, "What's happening? Are we under attack?" he questions and Mako reaches out again. Then her eyes snap open. "No... we're being pulled out of Hyperspace." she answers and Sato looks at her, "Impossible!" he shouts as she ran up to Ezra.

The ship snaps into the system as everyone looks around, "Secure all stations and get me a status report." Sato orders his men, "Um... commander." Mako mutters, he looks at her then out the window as a cruiser flew over them. "Instruments aren't responding." a pilot answers him and Ezra shot to his feet. "It's a star destroyer." he states, but Mako shook her head, "No star destroyer can pull a ship out of hyperdrive. It must be the latest weapon they've invented." Mako states. Then she ran next to Sato and started to send an S.O.S out to Ghost. "Phoenix home to Ghost, this is Mako Firebreather. We were pulled out of Hyperspace, the Empire-" she shouts but was cut off as the power was cut off as well.

They all look around then at the ship, Ezra was a little frightened as Mako just gulps. -I hope that message send.-


Back on Geral, the Ghost crew got the message and replayed it, a holo of Mako pops up as she looks to be panicked. "Phoenix home to Ghost, this is Mako Firebreather. We were pulled out of Hyperspace, the Empire-" the message was cut off as that was all of it. "The transmission was jammed. Still, that doesn't make any sense, you can't pull a ship out of Hyperdrive because you don't know exactly where it is. A tracker beam can't get a lock." Hera states as Kadan was in thought on the situation. "That's because it isn't a tracker beam. It's a gravity well." Sabine informs them as Leo rubs his mouth.

Then the rebels look at her, "When I was at the Academy, they were developing a new cruiser with Gravity well projectors powerful enough to pull a ship out of hyperspace." she informs them, "Well it looks like they finished it. "Not really, I've been snooping around. There's only one ship and this may as well be a prototype, testing its control. And if I'm right. That ship is exactly where we lost contact with Mako and Commander Sato." he informs them. Then Kadan stood up, "Alright everybody gear up, we're going out there." he informs them as he went to walk away, but then Hera stood up and stops him. "Not everyone," she informs him and he then turns to her. "You and Rex will go to that system. Find that ship and I bet you find Ezra, Mako and the others," she tells him and Kadan groans like a child. "Not Rex, I'll take Zeb, Sabine or Leo," Kadan complains.

The three exchange looks, noticing his rejection of Rex. "Rex's military experience will be valuable and he can impersonate a stormtrooper." Hera reminds him, "Right, that because he is a stormtrooper." Kadan reminds her and pouts "No, he was a clone trooper." she reminds him. "Same thing." he states as he refuses to work with him, "Kadan, I send Ezra and Mako. This is the only way." she informs him, he sighs and knows, he got no choice. "Alright, we'll get them. All of them."

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