Chapter 11: Legacy

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Chapter 11: Legacy

One Lovely night on the planet of Geral, the Rebels were rested and asleep. The Ghost crew was asleep as the others were awake on planning for a base. In the Boy's cabin, the boys were fast asleep, but Ezra tosses and turns in his sleep.

Ezra found himself back on Lothal and was at the mountains overlooking the meadow, "Ezra." a woman calls out, "Mom? Mom are you there?" Ezra calls out, "Ezra, we're here." a man calls out as well, "Dad? Where are you, I can't see you." Ezra calls out to him, but the sentry changes and Ezra gasp as he found himself in a cell. Then took a few steps back, "Mom, dad?" Ezra calls out, "We're right here, Ezra." his mother calls out to him.

Then he looks in front of him and saw a white Lothal cat sitting in the doorway, just staring at him, Ezra walks to the cat, holding his hand out to it, it hisses and growls at him, then his eyes roll to the back of his head. He then sees images, his deflecting blasts at him. Ties flew out of the star destroyer. Two people sat in a cell, holding on another then the door opens and they look up at the trooper, it was Ezra's parents. Ezra leans out and looks up at the man that was looking down at him, getting a good enough look at the face, but the shadow his helmet kept most of the features hidden. Mako walks out into the man's view, she held a determined fire in her eyes and he aimed and fires at her.

Ezra then opens his eyes and looks at the Lothal cat as it was staring right back at him. He reaches his hand out again, but the cat then took off Ezra went to follow, but when he took a step out of the cell, he cries out as he started to fall. Then smacks against the ground of the bunk, Zeb kept snoring as he was enjoying his sleep, but Leo stretches as he was awake then sat up, rubbing his eye as he looks at Ezra as the boy quickly sat up, "Can you be any more noisy?" he asks him with a yawn then rolls onto his side, back facing Ezra and went back to sleep.


Kadan and Hera went in the commons with a star chart in front of them and Mako was sitting next to Kadan as she too was helping them find a base for the Alliance. "No. no. we check these systems there's nothing close to a valuable location for a base." Hera states and Kadan looks up at her, "Maybe you're just being picky." Kadan informs her and Mako watches the two. "Maybe I have to be." she informs him, Mako shook her head at the two, "She's got a point, Kadan." Mako throws in, "Don't you even start." he warns her, making her giggle. "Kadan!" Ezra calls out, the three looked at the door and saw Ezra run into the commons.

"Kadan," he said as there was a new look in his eyes, Mako sat straight as she was surprised by this look. The lights came on and the chart was gone, "What is it?" Kadan asks him. "My parents." Ezra answers and this makes Mako stand on her feet, "Kadan, I saw my parents." Ezra informs them. The three look at him, "I had a vision that they're out there and I got to find them." Ezra said to them, "Ezra, you know that visions of the force can be administrated." Kadan reminds him and Mako sat back down and looks at Kadan, "Let's hear him out first before you say things like that." she suggests, then Hera sat down as well, "Just start at the beginning and tell us exactly what you saw." Hera said to him, Ezra nods. "Okay. Some kind of Empire prison, I think. My parents were there and there was this Loth cat." Ezra states and grips the side of his head as he sat down.

Mako places her hand on his shoulder, "Don't try and force yourself." she tells him, "You've never wanted to talk about your parents." Kadan states and Ezra looks at him, "That was before this vision, Kadan. It was so real, you have to believe me." he asks them, "I do. I do believe you, Ezra, don't doubt me now." Mako tells him and he exhales, knowing he shouldn't doubt Mako. "I think it's time to show them." Kadan states and the two look at him, "Show us what?" Ezra asks and Mako asks at the same time.


The door then opens for the four and that walk into the private chamber, "Remember when Zembo and Ka told you what happened to your parents?" Hera asks the two, the exchanged looks and nods, "Yeah, but neither of us wanted to hear what he had to say, that we'd never see them again. Why, do you know where they are?" Ezra asks them. The Hera presses a few buttons, "We know that they were taken to an Imperial prison, one of a thousand." Hera answers and she pulls out a map of thousand planets, the two walk to the center and looks at the planets and moons. "They're so many, where do we start?" Ezra asks them. "Zembo and Ka didn't know exactly where both of your parents were. They had fragments of information, which we're trying to piece together." Kadan informs them.

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