Chapter 8: Quidditch Injuries

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January 20, 2018

Today was our Quidditch match. I played as chaser and Harry played as seeker. Harry and I were getting dressed. The only thing we needed to put on, was the Gryffindor Quidditch robe. I put mine on very quickly. I decided to help Harry.

"Harry, do you need help?" I asked. He nodded. I walked up to him and helped him tie his robe. We started to blush. I tied it quickly because I couldn't stand my blushing any longer. When I turned around, I felt some sort of tugging. I looked back and saw two pieces of thread stuck together. Our robes must've tangled together when I was tying his robe. Harry and I reached down at the same time, and our hands touched. I quickly pulled mine away and he continued untangling. After a while he finished and I said,


"No problem." He replied with a smile. We looked each other's eyes for a while and started to lean in.

Harry's POV

We looked at each other's eyes, and I started to lean in. We kissed. (that was weird to write) Out of no where, we heard laughing. Y/N and I pulled away and looked towards the area where the sound came from. Fred and George were inside, watching us the whole time.

"Fred! George! What are you doing here?!?" Y/N screamed, while blushing terribly.

"If you don't remember, we play beater. And we have the right to come here too. And for your information, it's not a place to snog." They said in sync. Y/N and I looked away. She grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

"Come on Harry." She said. We walked towards the exit. Before we could leave, Fred and George said,

"Are you two going to find another place to snog?" Y/N turned around and frowned. "Ron owes me 5 galleons. We had a bet. If you guys were actually dating, he owes us. If you weren't, Fred and I owe him." George said. We immediately left after they said that. The quidditch match was about to start and we had to mount our broom. Fred and George came a second after us, and mounted their brooms. It was a cloudy and stormy, rainy day. So, we couldn't see anything. Madam Hooch yelled,

"The game begins!" We kicked hardly off the ground and started to fly. I saw Y/N flying with the quaffle in her hands and passing it on to Angelina Johnson. I immediately started looking for the snitch. It was no use, I couldn't see anything. I went to Hermione and she cast a spell which made everything clear. I flew back to the place where I last saw the snitch and looked around.


A bludger nearly missed my head by inches. I turned around to look for Harry. I spotted him, he was flying up, after the snitch, into the clouds. He was immediately out of sight. And then I saw it. It was a dark black creature. I knew what it was. I flew up and into the clouds, not caring what my teammates thought about me. I couldn't see anything, but I still had to look for Harry. Out of dumb luck, I turned around and saw him. Dementors were surrounding him.

"Harry! Harry!" I screamed. He saw me, and attempted to come close to me but failed. I flew towards him, but before I could take out my wand , and stun the creature, Harry started slipping. He let go of his broomstick, and fell down.

Harry's POV

I flew into the clouds, and looked around for the snitch. That's when I saw it. A dark shadow in the shape of a dog, it was, the Grim. I immediately turned around. I saw dementor's surrounding me.

"Harry! Harry!" Y/N was shouting. She flew towards me, and took out her wand. Before, she could stun the Dementors, I started slipping. The dementor was sucking all the happiness out of me again. A second later, I fell off my broom, and started falling down the sky. I heard a scream, but I didn't know if it was Y/N's, or the lady I heard screaming before, in the train.


I screamed, and raced after him. Everything turned blurry, and I realized, I was falling too, but how? I saw the quidditch stadium and everyone was gasping, even Malfoy.

"Aresto Momentum!" I heard someone shout. I turned my head slightly, still falling, and saw that Harry was slowing down from his fall. Why wasn't I slowing down? Suddenly, I hit the ground with a loud thump. Many students and professor's were surrounding me.

"Are you ok? Y/N! Y/N! Stay with us! Come on dear!" Numerous students and professors, were speaking at once, so I couldn't understand. My eyes slowly started to close, and I saw complete darkness.

A/N: Hey! I hope you liked it! I put in a lot of POV's in there! I had to because, I needed to include what Harry saw in the clouds (the grim) and why he started slipping and stuff. And I know, I decided to post today! I studied in the morning and I didn't have anything to do, so I decided to write a chapter!! Bye, Love you guys!!!

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