☾ Dating Lance Would Include... ☽

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warning: a lil nsfw but not too much, also profanity

note: I tried to keep this gender neutral for y'all :)

☆ random late night rides in blue

☆ him calling you every cheesy pet name he can think of

☆ including: honeybun, kitten, pumpkin, angel, hot stuff, love bug, etc.

☆ lance being the little spoon when you cuddle because he just loves being held by you

☆ taking bubble baths together when he comes back from a stressful mission. It's not sexual, it's a way for you two to relax with each other

☆ your back would be pressed against his chest as he rubs his hands over your knuckles gently, enjoying your calming presence

☆ getting a bit annoyed with his clinginess at first, but once you see his darker side and realize why he's so protective over you, you don't mind as much

☆ comforting him when he's homesick by letting him talk about it as you run your fingers through his hair gently

☆ him returning the favor when you're upset about something. He'll let you vent about whatever is making you so upset as your head is pressed to his chest, leaving little kisses on your forehead as you talk

☆ whenever you two fight or argue, it ALWAYS ends up with you making out with each other, even if it's in public (even though the other paladins hate you two for it)

☆ "keith, do you think (Y/N) likes me?" "lance, you two are dating..." "yeah, but do you think she likes me?"

☆ showing him in kisses and affection every time he doubts himself or gets insecure

☆ him getting fussy over you getting just slightly hurt. You could have a little scratch on your arm and he would be begging you to get into a healing pod claiming it could get infected or something

☆ he'll flirt with you like he did when you first met even though you two are dating now

☆ finding his ticklish spots and using it against him

☆ him giving you attention 24/7, you can bet he'll always be holding your hand or kissing you or rubbing your lower back, he's just always touching you

☆ he'll compliment you/flirt with you in spanish for sure

☆ him telling you all sorts of dirty pickup lines that make you cringe sometimes

☆ "did you just sit in sugar, because you got a sweet ass"

☆ "girl do you have a shovel in that back pocket? cause i'm digging that ass!"

☆ but really, he's the biggest virgin you know

☆ him dreaming of going home to earth and showing you off to his family members because you're very important to him and so is his family and he wants them to know about you

☆ him making sure you know you are loved 25/8 (and of course, you doing the same towards him)

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