☾ Klance Parent Headcanons ☽

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note: i started writing this during pride month (nearly a year ago i-!!!) and then...idk what happened but i'm here to finish what i started *cracks knuckles* ALSO i tried to keep this gender neutral for y'all ♡

☆ keith is such a stressed out parent when it comes to his child being sick

☆ especially if it's a newborn or infant...lord help him

☆ lance knows it's just a little cold and it's nothing too serious

☆ but keith still checks on the baby constantly to make sure it's still alive (!!!)

☆ lance wakes up in the middle of the night one night to an empty bed

☆ wondering where keith is,  lance groggily strolls into the baby's room

☆ sure enough, there's keith, passed out next to the baby's crib, the baby's little hand wrapped around keith's finger as they slept peacefully

☆ lance.exe has stopped working

☆ oof, wait until the child's first day of kindergarten

☆ you know how kids are usually the ones crying and not letting their parents go?

☆ yeah, well that's keith with his child

☆ lance has to coax keith into letting the child go so they can meet the other kids

☆ keith just loves this child so much, give the man a break

☆ as the child gets older, lance will literally s p o i l them

☆ keith buys them stuff, too, but lance tends to go overboard

☆ they will have the coolest clothes, coolest shoes, coolest hair styles,  ̶c̶o̶o̶l̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶e̶n̶t̶s̶

☆ lance will make sure his child has a great skin care routine throughout middle school and high school

☆ acne? never heard of her.

☆ although lance pampers his child, he won't let them act snobby, he'll make sure they know the importance of family and how to respect others

☆ keith is proud

☆ when their child is getting ready for prom, lance is ecstatic

☆ he wants to help his child with getting ready as much as possible

☆ once their date arrives, lance greets them humbly at the door as keith pouts in the corner, glaring

☆ he doesn't like that his baby is grown up

☆ lance eventually eases keith into warming up to the date, claiming that they made their child happy

☆ keith still isn't thrilled, but he's not as hostile

aaaand that's all i've got, i hope you guys enjoyed and sorry for letting this sit in my drafts for nearly a year...whoops.

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