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23rd July 2015

“I can’t believe you’re having your wedding in Hawaii” Tasha exclaimed, looking out at the enormous beach that stretched for miles in front of the hotel. “And on the most amazing beach I've ever seen”

 “Well would you rather have it back in Ireland where if you try to walk outside for three seconds you end up looking like a drowned rat with lipstick?” I laughed, trying to stay still in my chair as Lou did my makeup.

She chuckled, shaking her head at our conversation before putting down the eyeshadow and pciking up the eyelash curler.

I couldn’t believe my wedding day had actually arrived, Two years of planning and running around trying to sort out different venues had led to this, marrying the love of my life in a place completely opposite to where we met first.

I’ve always wanted to have a wedding on the beach and Niall was all for the idea when I proposed it, we were thinking of getting married in Florida or Australia but we wanted to do something different. Go somewhere we’ve never been.

So, that’s when Hawaii came up, it didn’t take long for us to narrow down the all countries and Hawaii was the one that stuck out.

Although exotic, it’s not a very big wedding at all, no media knows about it as of yet. I was never for a big wedding so our guest list consists of only mine and Nialls families, all the boys’, their families and some close friends.

Everyone flew in at different times late last night so as far as we’re know, nobody saw us. All the families and friends are staying in the same hotel except Niall and I have been separated and been put under strict confinement to our rooms because of our families 'superstitions'

“There that’s makeup all done, why don’t you put on your dress and I can get started on your hair” Lou smiled pushing her makeup brushes into her bag, “You too Tasha”

I nodded lightly, "Thanks Lou"

She waved me off and I walked into my room, shutting the door behind me. The walls were a crisp white and the floors were a light beech wood. It was a small room, with only a bed with mint sheets which rested against the opposite wall and two white chests either side.

There was a picture of the beach handing on the wall and a mirror hanging opposite an open window. The thin blinds blew in the wind and you could hear faint music coming from the street below.

I walked over to the bed where my dress lay zipped up in a white bag. I carefully lifted up the end and began zipping it open, Sliding it out easily and holding it up to my body as I tiptoed over to the mirror. I remember when I saw it in a shop window one day and thought, ‘that’s the one’, I said it was the most perfect dress I could ever find and It was.

I carefully pulled off my cotton shorts and Nialls t-shirt and placed them on the bed bed. I took it gently in my hands and pulled it up my body, patting it down with my hands.

It wasn’t a very simple dress, it didn’t have straps or any type of neck on it, there was a small, transparent belt made from a white material and the skirt of the dress reached my feet, little feathers trailing the whole way down. I walked over to my suitcase and took out my heels, they were quite simple, pure white with a small flower and a large heel.

I slid them on my feet and stood up, waking over to the mirror. A smile immediately appeared when I took a good look at myself, normally I hated how I look, never happy with my appearance but today something just clicked.

I felt as if for once I looked acceptable. Being in the limelight takes its toile on you, your constantly judged and being told your not good enough or pretty enough or skinny enough and it does hurt your confidence after a while.

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