
56 3 0

20th September 2013


I woke up to the sun streaming through the blinds, shining on the corner of the room where the rugby jersey mannequin sat. Niall's arms were firmly wrapped around me as always and half his head rested on my pillow, the other resting on my shoulder.

I could feel his warm breath on my bare skin as he breathed softly in his sleep. I glanced over the clock that sat on my bedside drawer, it read 8:12am. I'd gotten myself into a bad sleeping pattern ever since we came back from America and it's going to get worse before it can get better because tonight we're leaving for Australia.

The jet lag and the change of time zones is going to mess up my sleeping even more, there has been numerous nights where we've come back from other counties and Niall and I have both slept from 11am till 6pm in the day and stayed up all night talking in the kitchen because we weren't tired.

Both of us hate it but there is nothing we can do about it. As for Australia, Niall is more than excited to get back, its one of his favourite places it the world. We get to spend time with Deo again after not seeing him for over a year. I've known Deo just as long as I've know Niall, he's basically my family too.

Sighing, I turned my head to look at Niall, his hair was still sticking up in a quiff from last night, his mouth was open and his eyes lids were shut, his eyes flickering under the thin layer of skin every so often.

I brought up my hand and caressed his cheek softly, being careful not to wake him. His nose twitched in his sleep and I had to refrain myself from poking again. I giggled softly and snuggled closer to his body.

It’s still hard to comprehend that Niall and I are engaged.

After the interview with OK!, my phone was ringing off the hook with calls from newspapers and magazines that wanted to interview Niall and write specific pieces or articles on us. Being the boys PA I had to answer every call, every text and, on top of all that, deal with my extremely hung over boyfriend who had gotten drunk at the celebration party that was held for both of us.

That night at the party everyone got extreamly drunk apart from me and Tom, Lou's boyfriend. There needed to be someone there that wasn't drunk off their arse because if we all got pissed half of us wouldn't have made it home, someone would have found us lying in the street or something.

I smiled to myself, looking down at the diamond ring on my finger before tilting my head up to kiss Niall's cheek softly. Soon my eyes began so close and I drifted off to sleep again.


"Jade?" Niall called from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I shouted, not looking up from my phone.

"Lunch is ready"

I quickly got up off my bum that had been parked on the couch all morning and padded over to the kitchen. I sat down on one of the swingy chairs and Niall placed a plate of pasta in front of me.

"Oh my god it looks so nice Ni" I smiled picking up my fork and sticking it into the pasta.

I picked up a couple of pieces of pasta and placed them in my mouth, closing my eyes as the gorgeous flavours hit my taste buds.

"I’ll take that as a thumbs up" Niall laughed digging into his own pasta. I nodded before taking another mouthful of the delicious food into my mouth.

"We need to start packing after this, were leaving in like 5 and a half hours" I sighed looked at Niall.

"Relax, we have plenty of time" He chuckled, his mouth full of food.

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