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I woke up at about 10:30 the next morning, I stood up and look around. The room was empty. I walked over to the bathroom and saw a note stuck on the door. 

“Jade, gone out for the day. Ryan wanted to go swimming, That’s not you thing so decided to just let you sleep. Be back before 7 tonight, be SAFE! –Mum”

God she’s so protective. Suppose I am still 13, but almost 14! I quickly walked over to the window and looked outside. It’s raining. Ugh. I walked back over to my bed and checked my phone, I had a text from Niall.

~ From: Nialler <3

Hey princess, the movie stars at 3 so I’ll pick you up at you hotel around 2:15? If you still want to go xx

I texted back.

~ To: Nialler <3

Yah! Corse im up for it! can’t wait see ya then xx

I still have another couple of hours so I’ll just go back to sleep. I set an alarm for 1:30 and slid back into bed. I fell asleep again within seconds.





Ugh. Already? I stood up and stretched. I bent down, pulled out my suitcase from under the bed and looked for some clothes.

I ended up putting on a striped tank top, a cream cardigan, a white scarf, some back leggings, my grey beanie and my grey uggs. I put on my glasses too, I don’t like wearing my glasses. I don’t need them every day, only if I feel I need them.

I got my straighteners and plugged them in, I do some GHD curls and clip the front parts of my hair back with some bobby pins. I like my hair brown like this, my hair had a soft of brownish tint to it before but now its proper brown.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, I walked over and opened it. Niall was standing there in black adidas tracksuits, a blue super dry hoodie and vans.

“Hey princess” He smiled.

“Hiya Niall”

“You ready to go?”

“Yep just let me get my bag”

I ran in and took my bag from the floor and followed Niall as he walked down the hallway.

“So what movie are we going to see?” I asked as we reached the lifts.

“Disturbia I think” He said pressing the button for the ground floor.

“That sounds scary Niall..”

“Don’t worry ill protect you” He smiled placing his arm around my waist as the doors of the lift opened.

“Thanks Niall” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

We walked through the doors of the hotel and down the street towards the town. We got to the cinema about 25 minutes later because It was the further side of town.

We walked in and suddenly Niall spotted a group of boys and girls in the corner, he tightened his hold on my waist and lead me over to them. There were 5 boys and 4 girls.

“Hey Guys, this is my girlfriend Jade” Niall introduced me. Girlfriend. I still love hearing it.

“Hey Jade” A boy with brown hair greeted to me, “Im Deo, Niall’s cousin, this is Barry, Thomas, Thomas’ girlfriend Leah, Simon, Simon’s girlfriend Kayla and over there is Brian and Rebecca”

He pointed to each of them in turn.

“So are we seeing this movie or not?” Rebecca asked.

We nodded and headed to the booth to buy our tickets, Niall asked the woman for popcorn and coke too. I tryed to hand my money to the lady but Niall gaves me a death glare and payed for me, why can’t he just let me pay?

We walked into the dark room and took our seats, I sat between Niall and Rebecca. Soon the movie started, Shia LeBeouf is in it, he’s hot.

After the first 40 minutes of the movie stuff started to get weird and scary, VERY scary. I leaned on Niall’s shoulder and closed my eyes, he put his arm around me and kissed my head.

“Shhh… it’s okay I’m here” He cooed.

I didn’t really open my eyes for the rest of the movie but I understood what it was about from listening. As we walked out of the cinema Deo spoke up.

“Wanna go for pizza?” He asked.

“Yeah” we all said in unison.

We started to walk over to the other side of town, Nialls arm firmly wrapped around my waist as we walked.

 Niall’s friends are just like mine, really very similar. Rebecca reminds me of Bethany a lot and I’m pretty sure there’s something going on with her and Brian, I’ll ask Niall later. Soon we reached the take-away, we walked in and ordered our pizza. Me and Niall decided to split a pepperoni.

“That’s €5.50 please love” the woman at the counter smiled.

Before Niall could stop me I handed the woman a €10 note and she gave me back my change.

“Jade! There was no need for you to pay” He said angrily.

“It was my treat” I said sticking out my tongue.

He laughed and stuck his toungue back out at me. We sat down at a table with the others and started chatting while we waited, soon the woman called out our order. I stood up and retrieved it from the counter, I brought it over and put it on the table where Niall was sitting.

“Thanks JJ” Niall smiled before grabbing a slice and shoving it into his mouth.

“Eager much?” I said with a smirk.

“I’m hungry, go away ya meanie!” he stated sticking his tongue out at me.

I laughed and we continued to eat pizza and chat to Niall’s friends, time seemed to fly by and we only realisedhow long we’d been there when Thomas looked outside and saw it was dark.

Niall and I quickly said goodbye to everyone and made our way outside and on to the street.

“Do you want to go back to the hotel?” He asked.

“Yeah okay” I replied.

He took my hand and we walked down the street and towards the hotel, when we reached the front steps Niall stoped.

“Goodnight Princess” He smiled.

“Goodnight Nialler”

We both leaned in and our lips met, it’s only a short sweet kiss but I can feel that it means something special to both of us

“I love you”

“I love you more” I replied, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug.

I really don’t want to let go, but I have to. After a few moments I reluctantly unwrapped my hands from around him. He pecked my lips again and gave me a sweet smile before turning on his heels and walking away.

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