Chapter 5: In Which I Lick the Royal Window

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I gave my big girl panties a tug and followed Godric and Eric into the Tower of London. I was surprised that the guards seemed to recognize them, but then remembered that Anne Boleyn had personally requested their presence for her party this evening. Obviously, they were regulars at the castle. I wondered briefly how they managed to evade daytime events here. I knew from the reading I'd done that England's royalty was big on hunts and jousts and things like that. I'd be willing to bet that they were glamouring away the invitations.

The halls of the castle were large with high ceilings. There were big iron chandeliers suspended above us with thick candles burning in them. The walls were covered in paintings and tapestries with carpets covering most of the floors. I followed my escorts through turns and stairwells, not sure how I would find my way out if I were in a hurry. Finally, we stopped in front of a huge doorway, which was guarded by two men. Eric stepped to my side.

"Remember, try not to talk if you can help it. And if you can't avoid it, do try to speak properly," he tucked my hand into his elbow and patted my arm, smiling down at me. I squinted my eyes up at him, really wanting to bust off some smart remark. I found it indescribably perturbing that I couldn't and that even if I did, he probably wouldn't understand it anyway. The guards swung the doors open and we followed Godric into the room.

It was huge, sort of like an auditorium. There were large banquet tables set up with some really decadent looking dishes spread over them. I was totally grossed out by a whole pig on a platter, complete with its face. I can't even blame it on being a vampire, that would have grossed me out when I was human too. I curled my lip and looked around at the rest of the room. There were people everywhere, way more than I would have expected for a 'little party' but then again, what did I know about royal bashes?

I had to admit I was fascinated by the people. They strutted around like peacocks, men and women alike. The wash of vibrant colours was captivating, literally every hue of the rainbow was present and accounted for. The women were magnificently outfitted in huge, billowing gowns of every fabric, and the men were just as resplendent. I noticed a raised dais in the back center of the room and felt a little excitement at the realization that I was looking at Anne Boleyn and King Henry the Eighth.

They were sitting on thrones, really there was no other way to describe their seats. I was a little shocked at the brazen statement she was making, knowing that Catherine was still technically the queen. Anne was wearing a stunning green gown, very fitted at the top and flared at the hips. She had a pearl necklace with a gold 'B' charm on it. Her hair was dark and glossy, pulled up into a tightly braided bun, with a little green hairpiece attached in front of it. Her skin was clear and her face was very strong. I'm not sure I thought she was beautiful, in the traditional sense, but she was definitely very alluring. Strong nose, stern jaw, straight brows. Her dark eyes glowed against her alabaster skin and her cheeks were a charming rosy pink. She was clearly in her element here.

The king was captivating. He exuded confidence and power. He was sprawled over his throne in a way that reminded me instantly of the lion most record books from the time referred to him as. He was very handsome, with his ruddy curls cropped short and dark stubble on his face. His clothes were elegant, dark browns and golds, and he looked very comfortable in them. He had a good build, wide shoulders, strong looking legs. I could see how he had gotten a reputation for being a lady's man in his youth. I was studying him closely when he looked directly at me, catching me looking at him. I looked away immediately, not wanting to call any undue attention to myself. Definitely not wanting the king to be checking me out; that was the absolute last thing I needed.

Eric's strong arm slid around the back of my shoulders, gently steering me to the right side of the room. I didn't know whether he'd noticed the king looking, or if he just had enough good sense to want to prolong the inevitable meeting until I'd gained my bearings. Either way, it was a wasted effort.

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