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What is the Doctrine of Baptisms? Okay, I totally got this! The word ‘baptism’ comes from the Greek word ‘baptizo’ which is from a derivative of “bapto” which means to immerse or dip. It is a word used of a dye where a fabric is immersed into a dye, brought up out the dye and the fabric and the dye becomes united in colour. There was a man who was baptized in water. When he came up immediately from the water, he spat water out of his mouth in a semi-circular form, just like a statue. The baptizer asked, “What are you doing Fisho?,” he said “Wanted to make sure my tongue got saved!”.

Baptism, however, is used in the New Testament to mean;
a) to immerse (Matt 3:16, Acts 8:38-39),
b) to bury into (Rom 6:3-7, Col 2:12) and
c) to overwhelm (Matt 20:22-23, Luke 12:50).

Alright! To my knowledge I have come across five different types of baptism in the Bible. Let me try to untangle this for you.

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