chapter one

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mackenzies p.o.v

My heels clicked gently on the schools bathroom tiles as i walked towards the huge bathroom mirror.I rubbed my hands with vanilla scented soap and took a deep sigh. School is so stressful like why the fuck do we have to pay the school when the school should be the one paying the students for attending hell everyday?.

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. There I was with a baby blue romper and a white denim jacket , my hair ends were waved gently and twisted at both end held by a hairclip.I couldnt find my adidas shoes this morning and i realised my sister, Maddie, stole them so her outfit matched.

Maddie is popular in school unlike me. I do get lots of attention but im not one of the schools mean queen bees, im just stubborn and swear alot if necessary.

Im currently dating Mark Thomas but lately things havent been really working out in between us. I mean he is really sweet but Mark has been sorta.. i dont know .. avoiding me? Everytime i text him he takes 5 hours to reply and when i wave at him at school he waves back but then walks away really quickly.Is he actually avoiding me?.
I snap out of my thoughts by someone entering the girls bathroom .

"Mack z you've been here for ages is anything wrong?"
I swiftly turn around only to see my befriend Maisy Stella quickly rushing through the bathroom.
I give her a gentle nod and smile.

"yeah uh.. I was just time to talk i dont want to waste lunchtime standing in the bathroom".
I fake laugh but it fails miserably.
Being the bestfriend Maisy is she shrugs and gives me a hug.

"Im always here if you want to talk, obviously I'm not going to force you to tell me whats wrong"
She lets go of me and links her arms with mine.

I smile.

"Your a great friend Mais but get a move on or alse im going to miss my fucking lunch" i say while unlinking out arms and pulling her from her jumper.

She giggles as we rush quickly to the cafeteria.

time skip to after school.

In a hurry i throw all my books in my bag followed by hanging my crimson bag over my shoulders. I rush out of school quickly. Once outside the cold air attacked me as it sends shivers down my spine, my phone buzzed in my back butt pockets as i tried not to turn into an icicle .Luckily my house isn't that far away so i arrived home 7 mins later.

I opened my front door and took a step forward.The warm air welcomed me as all my muscles relaxed. It is fucking cold outside. I called out a simple "hey mom" as i rushed upstairs.

I changed into some jogging bottoms and and a croptop followed by a warm jumper to finish the look. I put my hair into a big messy bun and i flung onto my bed slowly releasing my breath i didn't even realize i was holding. I turned my phone on as i saw 4 message notifications

One was from Maisy

maisy moo moo🐄:
hey kenz! you home yet?💕

i give her a quick reply

me:ya wassup you son of a patatoe.

The rest are from maddie, mum and from an uknown

wait what!?.
i open the gc i was added to with all uknown numbers as i read the chat.


you were added into the groupchat

uknown: hey Nadz this is john
uknown1: ugh why the fuck did u add Nadia in this johnny !?
uknown2: oof i love drama

wrong number >> jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now