chapter two

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mackenzies p.o.v
I wake up to the bright sun radiating through the curtains and into my eyes. I slowly roll off my bed and put some comfortable clothes on for home since I dont have school today. A sweatshirt,sweat pants and boxer braids will never get overrated.

i open up my phone and realize there are ton of messages from the group chat.I sigh thinking of what it would be like going to the same school as them and hanging out with them everyday.
Last night instead of sleeping i got to know all the people in the group chat better and i actually can consider them as my "internet best friends"since i didnt really meet them.

I wish we lived in LA but we cant really move because of my mothers job.But it would be really hard leaving PA since i have all my real life friends and i most definetly wont be able to leave Carson and Maisie.

Oh and no me and Carson arent dating we are just really good friends since kindergarden..

I finish brushing my teeth and go downstairs to see my mum whistling and hopping around the house.


She smiled and hopped and danced all around the house before i stopped her.

"why in such a good mood mum?"

she saw me leaning on the door and gently coffed before standing up straight .
melissa (kenzies mum) p.o.v

well shit

"um..uh.. im just..uh..exited because my favourite tv program is about to start ."

im so smart hehe

Mackenzie frowned but then just shrugged followed by slightly chuckling and leaving the room.

The thing is that Maddie,Mackenzie and i are moving houses and going to L.A because of the new advanced job i got instead of the shitty one i have right now and Maddie and Mackenzie dont know.

As you can obviously tell im REALLY good at keeping secrets and im ABSOLUTELY not acting weird AT ALL. please note the sarcasm.

Im going to tell them about it all tomorrow since we are leaving in 5 days and no we still haven't started packing.
the next day
mackenzies p.o.v

The next day our mom called me and Maddie downstairs and she couldn't stop smiling.

"Maddie,Mackenzie I have good news for both of you"
she clapped her hands together excitedly.

I frowned and glanced at Maddie to see her with the same facial expression as me.

"what is it mum?"

" ok so"she took a deep sigh and then "wearegoingtoLAinfourdays" she screamed.

Me and maddie looked at each other and burst out laughing

"mum do you mind repeating that slower this time since me and kenzie didnt get a word of what you said" Maddie said while trying to control her giggles

my mum rolled her eyes but didnt remove her smile.

"so basically "she begins really slowly

WE ARE MOVING TO L.A IN  4 DUCKING DAYS" ( no its not autocorrect i  meant to put ducking hehe )

"MUM ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!! " Me and maddie say at the same time. Now this explains mums mood recently.

I drop my phone and go hug my mum.

ahh motherly love.

" Mum you're the best I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU" I basically scream on top of my lungs while engulfing her into a big bear hug.

i love ma mommy so so so so so much .
tysm for all of you guys supporting my fanfic ily all so much and also ty for 16 votes on my first chapter.

challange:can we get this over 16 votes i would absolutely love that tysm!💘

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