Chapter 5- the name

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The boy looked at the woman. He squared his shoulders. "When do I start?" He asked confidently.
"As soon as possible. Avery will be your trainer." Avery nodded at the boy.
"By any chance, do you know your name?" Avery asked. The boy thought. "Erm...I don't actually know." He was stumped. "I know my last name is summers..."
"Well. We will have to think of a name." Avery said. "How about..." she paused "we should call you, James."
"I like that name." The newly named boy grinned widely. "C'mon, James. Get some sleep. We'll start training at 8." Avery pointed James through a side passage where several bunk beds stood either side of the room. Putting on the pajamas provided, James got into bed.
"Wake up! Wake up!" Someone was shaking James awake. Groaning, he stretched and opened his eyes. He looked into pitch black eyes. Not the odd shade of yellow of Averys eyes but cold, dark eyes that were unfamiliar. "Erm....who are you?" James didn't expect an answer. The man was clearly there to hurt him but before the man could do anything the door slammed open and James saw Avery. She was panicking. She balled her fist and long,metal cat like claws grew and without hesitation, she ran forward and stabbed the man. "manusque vestras servate innoxias!"
Sweating, Avery grabbed James by the arm, "come on!" Avery was still panicking. "Stop right there." A man stood in the passage with a gun. "I want you and the boy." He said menacingly "you're safe unless you resist."
"Guess I'm not safe then." Avery kicked the man in the groin. The man groaned painfully but before he hit the ground he pulled the trigger on the gun. Two darts flew out of the gun and hit James and Avery who fell to the ground.

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