Im Here

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Todoroki POV

Midoriya had fallen asleep on my arm. Her hair bringing against my face, it smelt so sweet. Her warmth was caring and I couldn't help but pull her towards me.

She nuzzled her face into my chest and I gave into sleep.

I was walking to school after I had snuck out of my house. Something was missing but I couldn't figure it out. I continued walking until someone had bumped into my back. So much force we had fallen onto the ground.

I turned around to be met by a green haired girl. But her features were blurred. I couldn't make out what she looked like, but I could hear her voice clearly. "Shouto." She rubbed my face. Tears seeming to fall down. I tried to speak but I couldn't get any words out. I was confused. What was she crying about. Almost as reading my thoughts she spoke. "Shouto I didn't know what he did to you. I'm so sorry!" She was shaking. Slowly her features became clear. Did I know her. She knew me of course but. She was so familiar. She filled my body with happiness and love.

But it was all drained from me as soon as I heard another voice. "You don't have time for love! You will trained every hour of the day if you need to! You will surpass him!" It was my father's voice. Loud and booming. His steps approaching us with loud thuds.

"Don't touch him!" The girl yelled. She grabbed me close never loosening her grip. My father came closer, with every step and squeezed me tighter. That's when he was only a mer feet away from us.

He grabbed her by her curly green forest of hair and threw her to the side.she got up limping blood rushing from her lip. Scratches on her skin. Her face was clear now. All the memories of our time together flooding my mind. It was Midoria. My Izuku Midoria. And she was hurt. I was filled with rage but couldn't move. Couldn't use my quirk.

My father shot a blast of blue flames at her. Run! Leave! I tried so hard to move, to yell. But it never happened.

"This is what happens when you don't listen Shouto!" My father yelled. He walked over to the now bloody and burnt body known as Midoriya. She looked to be holding on to the last thread of life. My father grabbed her by the throat and slammed her of the ground, causing a loud crack noise.

I was finally able to move. I ran to Midoriya. Her head was split open, gushing blood coming from every inch of her body. No. This isnt real. She- I started to cry. Hot tears burning my eyes as I held her in my embrace.

Midoriya POV

I started to wake up to a cold surface. No not a cold surface, a very cold Todoroki and slightly frozen floor. Todoroki had a grip of my waist. He was crying and shaking in his sleep. As if on instinct I shook him slightly calling out his name.

"Shouto... Shouto get up!" I was worried sick about him. His grip got tighter. Oh Todoroki, what's wrong.

I shook him more and called his bane out. After a few attempts to wake him, his eyes fluttered open. "Thank goodness!" I yelled. I wiped his tears away, and rested my head on his chest. "Shouto. Are you, are you ok?" I asked.

He was holding me now as if I was about to disappear. "No." He said sniffling a bit. He finally noticed the ice surrounding us and growing frost bite on my body. "I'm so sorry " he said, thawing out the ice.

I wrapped my arms around him and shook my head. "Do you want to talk about it?" I said quitly, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "I had a bad dream. You..."he trailed off and I saw tears perk up in his eyes.

"It's ok. You don't need to tell me right away, or at all. I'm here, right now and for as long as I can. Let's just lay down together. This time on my bed, maybe that will help." I said.

He nodded his head. Not wanting to let go of me, he picked me up and carried me to the bed. Laying us both down on my green and red sheets. I looked up at his pale face, still having a fearful gleam in his eyes.

"Hey, Sho." I said. "I'm here for you. I... I love you a lot. Like a lot." I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck. "I care about you so don't ever try and handle the burdens on your own." I said.

He kissed the top of my head. "Thank you." He said. "Also." He picked me up so my face was only a few inches from his. "I love you more than you could ever imagine." He kissed my lips, the warmth of him rushing through my body. They were soft and gave a sense of protection.

Our lips moved in perfect sink. The kiss was long but delicate, the moment seeming to last for years. Not that I didn't mind. He bit my lower lip a little asking for an entrance, that I happily allowed.

Our tongues danced together. Exploring each others mouths and savoring the taste of one another. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he gripped my back for support leaning into the kiss.

We broke apart for air, a string of saliva connecting our lips. I rested my head on his chest. "Hey Izuku." I hummed as a reply. "Will you be my lover?" I felt him looking at me. I lifted my head to meet his gaze. "Of course Shouto!" I smiled earning a smile from him in response.

For the rest of the time we payed in my bed, comfortable silence enveloping the room. I love him so much.

**Wow it took me a while to update. Supper sorry about that. Also did ya like my little kissing scene. Yeah I'm not good with those. The story is going to take a deep turn soon, involving suicide, abuse, and bullying. So be prepared. Until next time. PLUS ULTRA. The nerd bids you fair well.

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