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Leonardo's great-grand daughter

name: Luna Hamato
Eye color: brown
Friends: Cody,starlee and Serling
Weapons: twin katanas
Hobbies: painting and trimming bonsai trees.
Likes: training,meditating,quiet spaces,green tea,animals and helping others.
Dislikes: color pink,siblings fighting,being used as, girly stuff and etc...
Nickname: mini Leo,bluejay or Venus jr.

Raphael's great-grand twins

Name: Ralph Hamato
Eye color: dark brown
Age: 10
Friends: Cody and starlee
Weapons: twin sais
Hobbies: punching bags and push-ups.
Likes: to be tuff,playing with his friends/siblings,loves teasing mike, kick butt, and punching stuff.
Dislikes: being called weak or not strong enough,being played,softy and Darius dun.
Nickname: Ralph or hothead.

Name: Roxanne Hamato
Eye color: dark brown
Age: 10
Friends: starlee
Weapons: twin spears
Hobbies: jogging and punching bags.
Likes: kicking butt,outdoors,exercising, music, wood crafting and anime.
Dislikes: Anchovies,onions, spiders,roaches,darkness and Darius dun.
Nickname: Roxie or rocky.

Michelangelo's great-grand son 

Name: mike Hamato
Eye color: baby blue
Age: 9
Friends: Cody
Weapons: twin nunchucks
Hobbies: skateboarding,reading comics and video games.
Likes: reading comics,anime, cartoons,pizza,pranks, having fun and annoying Ralph and Roxanne.
Dislikes: being yelled at,thinking about stuff,remembering, being reminded about stuff and romance movies.
Nickname: hardheaded or Mikey jr.

Donatello's great-grand son and daughter

Name: Donnie Hamato
Eye color: light brown
Age: 11
Friends: Cody And Serling
Weapons: bo-stafff
Hobbies: inventing tech
Likes: laboratories,science,tech, books,studying, helping a friend out, math solver and doctor.
Dislikes: Darius dun,secrets, being distributed and being pushed around.
Nickname: doc or Birdbrain

Name: Daniella Hamato
Eye color: light brown
Age: 7
Friends: starlee and Serling
Weapons: twin tessen ( fans)m
Hobbies: drawing and reading
Likes: playing with don, training, repairing broken technologies, gymnastics, trim-mills,television and pranks.
Dislikes: being ignored, mathematics, roaches, loud places and Darius dun.
Nickname: Violet or Dani

All of the turtles greatgrand kids are turtles and some chapters will be very different and some will be from the tv series but it depends on how and when I'll do it.

So to make sure that nobody gets confused I'm gonna make a symbol showing which chapter will be from the tv series and which chapter will be my own story scenes.

...Remember theses symbols...

'+•+ ' this symbol means that the chapter will be based from the tv episodes.

' <~>' this symbol means that the chapter will be based from my own story scenarios as I come up with one in my mind.

Warning: I do not own theses characters except for the characters that I made up and the plot of the story that I thought of, thank you for reading and for your support...

Please comment of what you think and like my book.

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